20 Dec 2022, 9:59

Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs

Dear PhD students and Postdocs,

The last issue of the 2022 newsletter is now in your hands. You will find a reminder of the internship opportunities that have just opened up, news about the A6 scholarship and a brief look back on the first semester of the MMD programme.

We also wish you a peaceful Christmas and look forward to seeing you again next semester!

The first semester in the MMD programme is over. What was it like?

Slowly but surely, the fall semester is ending, being the first "trial" semester in the MMD programme.

A new programme designed for active doctoral students had successfully enrolled 43 applicants, who during the 1st semester, fulfilling the requirements set by the programme - such as participation in 8 interdisciplinary lectures and educational workshops aimed at deepening students’ competences. But how was the “first semester” through the eyes of the students? We asked MMD students what surprised them about the MMD programme and whether the programme has already brought them anything positive.

Mgr. Kamil Sobek from the Department of Geological Sciences answers this question. “I am surprised by the variety and offer of all kinds of educational courses and lectures that are available to students and thanks to MMD I have them “all served on a silver platter”. There is simply no such thing as boredom at Masaryk University in Brno.” He says that “the first semester has given me the opportunity to attend several lectures that have fundamentally influenced the direction I want to take after completing my PhD. The MMD is a great tool to get to know local and international experts from different institutions who provide valuable information and are happy to help you further personal and professional development.”

The deadline for applying for next semester is January 23, 2023 - Join the MMD programme; it might change your future professional career.

The MMD Web

Update from DAAD (Scholarship in Germany)

We would like to inform you that the DAAD scholarships, suspended in the last academic year, have now been reinstated.

Therefore, it is again possible to apply for scholarships for:

- Short-term research fellowships for PhD students and researchers (1-6 months)  

- Research fellowships for university teachers and researchers

- New calls for former fellows

Applications for fellowships are submitted electronically via the DAAD website; only letters of recommendation should be sent in original by post to the DAAD Information Point in Prague.

The deadline for applications is January 16, 2023.

All detailed information and application instructions can be found for each type of scholarship on the DAAD website.

More Info DAAD Flyer

The Barrande Fellowship Programme for 2023

The French Institute in Prague and the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MSMT) announce the new launch of the Barrande Fellowship Programme for 2023, the exchange mobility programme for PhD students between the Czech Republic and France. The programme offers scholarships to support “cotutelles”, and short-term research stays. Students must be registered either at a Czech University (for mobilities to France) or at a French University (for mobilities to the Czech Republic). All needed information on the programme and the application process can be found in the application guidelines (for a cotutelle project and a short research stay). The amount of the scholarship is up to 1500 euros per month. The programme is suitable for all scientific fields.

If you have any questions about the scholarship programme, you're sure to get answers at webinar about the Barrande Fellowship programme held on December 7, 2022, the recording is now available online here.

The application deadline is February 12, 2023.

More Info

Brno PhD Talent 2022 Already Knows its Winners

Twenty-five PhD students from Brno universities will receive scholarships of CZK 330,000 over the next three years under the BRNO PhD Talent programme. They will thus be able to devote themselves more to science, and one day they can return this investment many times over, not only to Brno. The new scholarship holders were selected from among postgraduate students from Masaryk University and the University of Technology by expert committees of prominent Czech scientists based on applications and presentations of research projects that the young scientists want to pursue. The committee had a difficult task task of choosing the 25 best projects from 50 pre-selected projects. The three-year scholarship was awarded to eighteen selected students from Masaryk University, and seven from the BUT. Almost half of the 25 supported PhD students work at the Faculty of Science of Masaryk University (12), another four students at the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University, and three postgraduate students work at CEITEC of BUT.

We would like to thank the students who received the prestigious scholarship for their successful representation of Masaryk University and congratulate them on their success!

List of Winners Brno PhD Talent Video

A.6 faculty scholarship for doctoral students

As you know, a stay abroad of at least 30* days is a compulsory part of your studies. If you are exploring scholarship opportunities, one of them is the Faculty Scholarship from the A.6 programme. For 2023, updated guidelines for the application and approval process are already posted, and you will receive a separate email with more detailed information until the end of December 2022. The most significant changes include a greater emphasis on both length and funding sources. Primarily, in accordance with MU's doctoral study obligations and the Faculty's strategy, support is given to placements abroad that a) last at least one month (30 days) or more; b) have relevant co-funding; c) take place at a university ranked in THE or QS rankings 1 to 500 at the time of application. Students who have secured additional funding may receive a bonus of up to 5,000 CZK. If the student stays at one of the top 500 universities, the requested scholarship will automatically increase by 5 %.

If you need to split your compulsory internship into shorter periods of at least 14 days, this is still possible under the condition of providing a plan of further stays to meet the 30-day requirement.

*Students of the following 4 programmes are obliged to complete a 2-month internship! (Ecological and Evolutionary Biology, Physical geography, Social Geography and Regional Development, Cartography, Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing)


Erasmus+ traineeships CHANGES from 2023

Erasmus+ is undoubtedly the most popular scholarship programme for internships. If you are planning to go abroad through the Erasmus+ programme, please pay attention to the following changes.

1) The maximum duration for which a student can receive financial support is 4 months. The student can request an extension of the placement during the placement. The decision will be made on the continued financial support of the stay abroad depending on the current financial status of the Erasmus+ programme.

2) A student may undertake a maximum of one mobility with financial support per academic year. (applies only to financial support from the Centre for International Cooperation! Erasmus+/Freemover / Partner universities…)

3) If the student's Learning Agreement for Traineeship approves financial support from the foreign institution, the student will lose the right to financial support from Erasmus+ resources.

Note that Erasmus+ does not support research! Please do not include research activities (data collection, work in a research group...) in your cover letters and applications. Such applications can be rejected. You can use different words to describe your activities (e.g. learning new methods of data collection is acceptable). Follow the instructions carefully.

The deadline is Januray 31, 2023

Contact person at the SCI MU  - Kristýna Bajgarová + your departmental coordinator

Interesting Reading from the Faculty of Science:

Vice-Dean for Doctoral Studies: Doctoral students deserve a salary for their research work


Environmental chemist Branislav Vrana: To the first conference, we drove in an old Škoda Felicia


 Sites we recommend to follow:

Develop Your Skills  Externí odkaz

MUNI Mendel Doctorandus  Externí odkaz


Life Science Seminar  Externí odkaz

Competitions for Students  Externí odkaz

All issues of Newsletters for PhD students and Postdocs can be found here

Distributed by: Office for Doctoral Studies, Quality, Academic Affairs and Internationalization


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Masaryk University

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