31. 8. 2022, 9:44

Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs

Dear PhD students and Postdocs,

As the holidays are ending, you might be eager for new information about study incentives and new opportunities for further education. So, the Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs is getting into your hands just in time!

PhD Day 2022

You are cordially invited to the PhD Day 2022, which will be held on September 14, 2022 at 9:00 am.

The programme is designed mainly for first-year PhD students, but is also suitable for Master students. Attendees will get insights and tips for PhD students at MUNI, what to expect from studying and what to avoid. During the programme, individual cooperating faculties and institute CEITEC will present. We will be witnessing the signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Cooperation in Doctoral Studies by representatives of individual faculties. Further, you can get inspiration from presentations on mobility programmes or the Brno PhD Talent competition. We will also talk about mentoring and targeted support to early-stage researchers (ESR).

Most importantly, we have prepared a particular highlight, i.e. festive presentation of a new developmental programme for the most active PhD students - MUNI Mendel Doctorandus.

In the second part of the PhD Day, a roll-up section with refreshments will be prepared in the Campus corridor. Potential candidates can choose from individual PhD programmes or engage with their representatives.

Come to the PhD Day for more information!

The PhD Day will be in English

Date: September 14, 2022 / University Campus Bohunice

Registration is free but required!

More Info Registration



Courses and Webinars for PhD Students

SPARK Europe Webinar

Non-Interventional Studies: building and broadening the value story

The first talk in the SPARK Europe Webinar Series will be dealing with the issue of data: “What is the utility of observational data and how does it differ from data obtained in experimental settings such as randomised controlled trials (RCTs)? Do they have any value other than optimising market access in pharmaceutical companies? Data from late-stage clinical research is not easy to collect and manage, but it can greatly improve drug development and shed light on the value of new therapies."

Don't miss the first webinar in the series (series schedule - link) and add the other webinar dates to your calendar. Under the auspices of SPARK, you can register for the 2022 Biomedical Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Course for European Students.

More info about SPARK Europe Webinar Series here.

Lecturers: Daniel Schwarz & Marika Chrápavá, IBA Ltd.

Date: September 7, 2022, 16:00

Online MS Teams

Please register here!


PhD Retreat 2022

Kindly accept our invitation to the next CEITEC PhD Retreat, where you will have a unique opportunity to meet promising young scientists from various fields in the beautiful surroundings of the historic town of Telč. You will meet renowned speakers and make challenging contacts with other students. The event will also include courses for students, workshops, the opportunity to consult with more experienced scientists and much more.

Only active participation in the form of student talk or poster presentation is allowed due to the limited capacity of 60 students.

The deadline for registration has been extended - don't wait and take the chance to sign up for PhD Retreat 2022 as soon as possible (The deadline for registration on September 5, 2022)

Registration fee: 1000 CZK

The event will be held in English

Deadline for submission: September 5, 2022

CEITEC PhD Retreat is open to all PhD students

More Info

Date a place: September 19-20, 2022

University Centre in Telč



Brno PhD Talent 2022

The Brno City Council and the South Moravian Centre for International Mobility have prepared a competition for students in the first year of their PhD studies, offering long-term financial and career support for 25 talented PhD students in the form of a scholarship of up to CZK 110,000 per year for three years.

Do not hesitate to join this unique competition!

For more information and competition rules, please visit the JCMM website. The registration is open for applications since September 1, 2022 (the deadline for registration is September 18, 2022)

If you are interested in the competition and plan to apply, do not miss the Workshop for applicants 2022, which will take place on September 1, 2022, Česká 11, room no. 308, 1:00 p.m.

This workshop could undoubtedly help you to increase your chances in this competition.

The complete competition rules can be found here.

The competition will be in English

Deadline for submissions: September 18, 2022

Falling Walls Czech Republic

The National Library of Technology in Prague (in cooperation with the German Embassy in Prague and German Academic Exchange Service) announce another year of the international Falling Walls Lab competition. The aim of the competition is to bring together the next generation of great scientists and innovators to come up with a breathtaking idea – a scientific project, business plan or social initiative that will break down all walls and barriers. The winner of the national round will receive a cash gift of EUR 1,000 and will represent the Czech Republic at the global finale in Berlin. The national round of the competition will take place on 13 September 2022 at the Gallery NTK, where only one representative will be selected by the jury to represent the Czech Republic at the Global Finale in Germany in November.

The final is scheduled for November 7- 9, 2022 in Berlin

The presentations are in English

More info about National Round More info about Finale in Berlin

Check out also other competitions and MU awards!

Other competitions suitable for PhD students can be found on the Office for Doctoral Studies, Quality, Academic Affairs and Internationalization website under the Competitions and awards section.



Genetic Conference GSGM 2022

We would like to cordially invite you to a genetic conference held on October 5 - 7, 2022, in the castle in Slavkov u Brna. The programme will include plenary lectures presenting the latest findings in all areas of genetics and molecular biology, delivered by leading experts from universities and academic institutions in the Czech and Slovak Republics, shorter lectures and traditional poster presentations. The GSGM conference will be organised together with the Genetic Days conference, which has a very long tradition since the 1960s, and this year it will be held for the 29th time!

The conference will be held in Czech and Slovak

Date and place: October 5 – 7, 2022, Slavkov u Brna,

Deadline for registration: September 9, 2022

More info


International Conference on Research Infrastructures
(ICRI 2022)

In October this year, the city of Brno will be honoured with the opportunity to host a major global event, which provides an opportunity for open discussions on topical issues and international cooperation in the field of research infrastructures. A series of lectures and meetings with world-renowned experts as well as discussions between the participating parties on current global challenges and new trends are planned. The event will be supported by the participation of top politicians and representatives of major research infrastructures.

The conference will be in English / Online

Date: October 19 - 21, 2022

More info


Please Pay Attention to the Announcement of the Office for Doctoral Studies, Quality, Academic Affairs and Internationalization

Decisions on awarding scholarships will be delivered to students electronically via the Masaryk University Information System.

Scholarships cannot be paid until the decision becomes legally binding. The decision will become legally binding 30 days after the delivery of the decision because, according to the Higher Education Act, the student has the right to request a re-evaluation of the decision made regarding the scholarship in these 30 days. Therefore, the decision does not come into force until this period has expired.

The student can speed up the whole process of payment of the scholarship by declaring that he/she waives the right to review the decision. This declaration is part of the online "confirmation of acceptance" in IS MUNI.

Contact person: Iva Klímová at klimova@sci.muni.cz


Life Science Seminar - Autumn 2022

Register for the Life Science Seminar for PhD students - course registration closes already on September 11, 2022. Join other PhD and MSc Students for interesting interdisciplinary lectures by leading scientists, who will come to share their knowledge in science with Masaryk University students!
Registration for lectures in IS under code XD011!

More info Programme Facebook

Interesting Sites to Follow

Developmental opportunities for students.

Develop Your Skills Life Sciences Seminar Series MUNI Mendel Doctorandus

All issues of Newsleters for PhD students and Postdocs can be found here:

Newsletter Archive

Distributed by: Office for Doctoral Studies, Quality, Academic Affairs and Internationalization


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Masarykova univerzita

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