Events of the Week 24–31 January
Jan 24–28 Mon–Fri ILAE Comprehensive Epilepsy Surgery Course Series: 11th EPODES Basic WHERE: Online & Brno, Hotel International, Husova 16 Jan 24 Mon CELLIM Workshop TOPIC: ANDOR BC43 Benchtop Spinning Disc Confocal Microscope SPEAKER: Mikhail Yuryev WHERE: University Campus, CEITEC MU, Building E35, Room 211 WHEN: 11:00–17:00 Jan 25 Tue Open Day at the MU Faculty of Science WHERE: Online WHEN: 9:00–16:30 Jan 27 Thu CERPEK Workshop TOPIC: Jak na studijní neúspěšnost? SPEAKER: Klára Šeďová WHEN: 9:30–15:00 Jan 27 Thu PostDocs Training TOPIC: SIY Adaptive Resilience Series – Mental Health and Stress Management SPEAKER: Irena Swiecicki WHERE: Online WHEN: 14:00 Save the Date: * Methods for Characterization of Biomolecular Interactions: Classical versus Modern, 1–4 February * REGON: Program DIOSCURI, 2 February * Day of National Research Infrastructures 2022, 15 February * Věda a technika jede! EXPO modul na CEITEC VUT, 21 February – 6 March * Submission Deadline: For Women in Science, 28 February * REGON: Finanční pravidla programu Horizont Evropa, 2 March * Cochrane Systematic Review Training, 14–16 March * CEITEC PhD Conference 2022, 30 May
Events of the Week 17–24 January
Jan 17–18 Mon–Tue CELLIM Workshop TOPIC: Discover the Subcellular Dynamics of Life with Lattice Lightsheet 7 SPEAKER: Pavel Krist WHERE: University Campus, CEITEC MU, Building E35, Room 211 & Building C02, Room 114 WHEN: 10:30–17:00 Jan 20–21 Thu–Fri Alliance4Life Early Stage Researchers' Online Retreat WHERE: Online Jan 20 Thu TOPIC: Patient-Specific Derived Cardiomyocytes – Will We Be Able to Predict the Cardiomyopathies in the Dish Tomorrow? SPEAKER: Albano Meli WHERE: Online WHEN: 10:00 Jan 20 Thu Information Session for Prospective PhD Students WHERE: Online WHEN: 13:00 Jan 21 Fri Submission Deadline CELLIM Best Microscopy Picture Contest WHERE: Online Jan 22 Sat Open Day at the MU Faculty of Science WHERE: Online WHEN: 9:00–16:30 Jan 24–28 Mon–Fri ILAE Comprehensive Epilepsy Surgery Course Series: 11th EPODES Basic WHERE: Online & Brno, Hotel International, Husova 16 Jan 24 Mon CELLIM Workshop TOPIC: ANDOR BC43 Benchtop Spinning Disc Confocal Microscope SPEAKER: Mikhail Yuryev WHERE: University Campus, CEITEC MU, Building E35, Room 211 WHEN: 11:00–17:00 Save the Date: * Open Day at the MU Faculty of Science, 25 January * Workshop: Základy nenásilné komunikace pro pohodu v práci i doma, 25 January * Workshop: Jak na studijní neúspěšnost?, 27 January * Training: SIY Adaptive Resilience Series – Mental Health and Stress Management, 27 January * Methods for Characterization of Biomolecular Interactions: Classical versus Modern, 1–4 February * REGON: Program DIOSCURI, 2 February * Day of National Research Infrastructures 2022, 15 February * REGON: Finanční pravidla programu Horizont Evropa, 2 March * Cochrane Systematic Review Training, 14–16 March * CEITEC PhD Conference 2022, 30 May
Events of the Week 10–17 January
Jan 13 Wed Tvoje jméno, tvoje hodnota WHERE: Online WHEN: 16:00–17:30 Jan 17–18 Mon–Tue CELLIM Workshop TOPIC: Discover the Subcellular Dynamics of Life with Lattice Lightsheet 7 SPEAKER: Pavel Krist WHERE: University Campus, CEITEC MU, Building E35, Room 211 & Building C02, Room 114 WHEN: 10:30–17:00 Jan 17–21 Mon–Fri JBI Comprehensive Systematic Review Training WHERE: TBA Save the Date: * Information Session for Prospective PhD Students, 20 January * Alliance4Life: Early Stage Researchers' Online Retreat, 20–21 January * Open Days at the MU Faculty of Science, 22 & 25 January * CELLIM Workshop: ANDOR BC43 Benchtop Spinning Disc Confocal Microscope, 24 January * Workshop: Jak na studijní neúspěšnost?, 27 January * Training: SIY Adaptive Resilience Series – Mental Health and Stress Management, 27 January * Methods for Characterization of Biomolecular Interactions: Classical versus Modern, 1–4 February * REGON (únor 2022): Program DIOSCURI, 2 February * CEITEC PhD Conference 2022, 7 February * Day of National Research Infrastructures 2022, 15 February
Events of the Week 13–20 December
Jun–Dec #CEITEC10 Celebrations WHERE: Hybrid format Jun–Dec City Game #CEITEC10 WHERE: Brno Dec 13 Mon AMN Seminar Series TOPIC: Light Scattering Predictions for Transparent and Translucent Ceramics SPEAKER: Soňa Hříbalová WHERE: Online & Brno, Purkyňova 123, CEITEC BUT, Large Meeting Room WHEN: 13:00 Dec 14 Tue Jak identifikovat a oslovovat vhodné supervizory a kandidáty pro MSCA-PF WHEN: 9:00–10:15 Dec 14 Tue Molecular Medicine Seminar Series TOPIC: Establishment and Characterization of Cell Lines Derived from Nothobranchius Embryos SPEAKER: Kamila Součková WHERE: Online WHEN: 9:30 Dec 15 Wed Doctoral Thesis Defence TOPIC: Study of Molecular Mechanisms of CK-ethylene Crosstalk in the Regulation of Arabidopsis Development SPEAKER: Abigail Rubiato Cuyacot WHERE: Online WHEN: 11:00 Dec 16 Thu Botanical Seminar TOPIC: Rakousko; reminiscence zahraniční botanické exkurze WHERE: Online WHEN: 16:00 Dec 17 Fri Doctoral Thesis Defence TOPIC: Interphase Telomere Clustering in Arabidopsis and Other Crucifer Species SPEAKER: Wenbo Shan WHERE: Online WHEN: 14:00 Save the Date: * REGON (leden 2022): Evropský výzkumný prostor, 5 January * CELLIM Workshop: Discover the Subcellular Dynamics of Life with Lattice Lightsheet 7, 17–18 January * Information Session for Prospective PhD Students, 20 January * Open Days at the MU Faculty of Science, 22 & 25 January * REGON (únor 2022): Program DIOSCURI, 2 February * CEITEC PhD Conference 2022, 7 February * Day of National Research Infrastructures 2022, 15 February We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!
Reminder: Last Principal Investigator Seminar 10 December
We are reminding you of the last Principal Investigator Seminar of this semester, PARG Establishes a Functional Module with BRCA1-BARD1 That Ensures Crossover Homeostasis and Safeguards Genome Integrity During Meiosis by Nicola Silva (Faculty of Medicine, MU). WHEN: Friday, 10 December, at 13:00 WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 205 + Live Stream (HERE) Best regards, CEITEC MU Communication Department
Events of the Week 6–13 December
Jun–Dec #CEITEC10 Celebrations WHERE: Hybrid format Jun–Dec City Game #CEITEC10 WHERE: Brno Dec 7 Tue Molecular Medicine Seminar Series TOPIC: miRNA Regulation of B-T Cell Interactions in the Aggressiveness and Transformation of Follicular Lymphoma SPEAKER: Daniel Filip WHERE: University Campus, CEITEC MU, Building E35, Room 211 WHEN: 9:30 Dec 7 Tue Mendel Centre Seminar Series TOPIC: Comprehensive Immune Repertoire Sequencing Reveals Biomarkers of the COVID-19 Disease SPEAKER: Jan Berka WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 205 WHEN: 14:00 Dec 8 Wed Life After PhD with Maria Placentino WHERE: Online WHEN: 14:00 Dec 9 Thu AMN Seminar Series TOPIC: Exploring Light Elements in Steel via LIBS in the Vacuum-UV (VUV) SPEAKER: John T. Costello WHERE: Brno, Purkyňova 123, CEITEC BUT, Large Meeting Room WHEN: 14:00 Dec 9 Thu Online Webinar TOPIC: From Researcher to Entrepreneur, An Introduction to Entrepreneurship for PhD students SPEAKER: Veronika Stepankova WHERE: Online WHEN: 15:00 Dec 9 Thu Botanical Seminar TOPIC: Slaniska na jižní Moravě SPEAKER: Milan Chytrý a kolektiv WHERE: Online WHEN: 16:00 Dec 10 Fri Principal Investigator Seminar Series TOPIC: PARG Establishes a Functional Module with BRCA1-BARD1 that Ensures Crossover Homeostasis and Safeguards Genome Integrity During Meiosis SPEAKER: Nicola Silva WHERE: Live-Stream & University Campus, Building B11, Room 205 WHEN: 13:00 Dec 10 Fri Soft Skills Seminar TOPIC: Presentations Skills SPEAKER: Martin Blažík WHERE: Brno, Purkyňova 123, CEITEC BUT, Large Meeting Room WHEN: 14:00 Dec 13 Mon AMN Seminar Series TOPIC: Light Scattering Predictions for Transparent and Translucent Ceramics SPEAKER: Soňa Hříbalová WHERE: Online & Brno, Purkyňova 123, CEITEC BUT, Large Meeting Room WHEN: 13:00 Save the Date: * Doctoral Thesis Defence – Abigail Rubiato Cuyacot, 15 December * Doctoral Thesis Defence – Wenbo Shan, 17 December * Information Session for Prospective PhD Students, 20 January * CEITEC PhD Conference 2022, 7 February * Day of National Research Infrastructures 2022, 15 February
Change to Hybrid Format: Today's Principal Investigator Seminar
The seminar will be onsite and also live-streamed on this link. We are reminding you of the Principal Investigator Seminar, Transient Kinetics, Microfluidics and Machine Learning in Protein Engineering by Zbyněk Prokop (Faculty of Science, MU). WHEN: Friday, 3 December, at 13:00 WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 205 + Live Stream (HERE) Best regards, CEITEC MU Communication Department
Reminder: Principal Investigator Seminar 3 December
We are reminding you of the Principal Investigator Seminar, Transient Kinetics, Microfluidics and Machine Learning in Protein Engineering by Zbyněk Prokop (Faculty of Science, MU). WHEN: Friday, 3 December, at 13:00 WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 205 Best regards, CEITEC MU Communication Department