Mgr. Andrea Fořtová, Ph.D.
Researcher II, Section of Microbiology
Researcher II, Section of Microbiology
Total number of publications: 62
ACS Catalysis, year: 2016, volume: 6, edition: 11, DOI
EMBO JOURNAL, year: 2016, volume: 35, edition: 20, DOI
Nature Chemical Biology, year: 2014, volume: 10, edition: 6
Molecular Cell, year: 2014, volume: 55, edition: 3, DOI
Biochimie, year: 2013, volume: 95, edition: 11, DOI
Publisher: , state: Germany, patent's number: EP 1899022, year: 2013
FEBS Journal, year: 2013, volume: 280, edition: 13, DOI
Publisher: , state: Israel, patent's number: IL 186596, year: 2012
Publisher: , state: Canada, patent's number: CA 2610024, year: 2012
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, year: 2011, volume: 77, edition: 5, DOI