Competitions and awards

Every year, Masaryk University announces a competition for the Rector's Award. The Faculty of Science MU then announces a competition for the Dean's Award, and it is also responsible for nominations for competitions announced outside Masaryk University. Such competitions include, for example, the Werner von Siemens Award, Neuron Awards or different awards of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.

The goals of the competitions are different: to draw attention to the importance of quality educational activities, to support authors of the best student and scientific works, to appreciate the excellent work of university teachers, to highlight significant innovations in educational activities and examples of good practice, or to contribute to the development of Czech higher education, research and development.

Even in the case of competitions that do not directly require it, it is possible to support the nomination on behalf of the Rector of Masaryk University. If you are interested in this option, it is necessary that the nomination be approved in advance by the dean of the faculty (or the director of the department). If you are interested in such support, please contact us as soon as possible.

Important links

Ongoing competitions

Dean's Award of the Faculty of Science MU

The Dean's Award of the Faculty of Science MU is governed by the Dean's Measure No. 7/2019 in the Terms of Scholarship Programmes of the Faculty of Science Masaryk University, paragraph A.2, letter a) and is announced annually to support the creative activities of outstanding students of Bachelor's, Master's, and doctoral study programmes.

The Dean's Award is announced in three categories:
a) the best student in the Bachelor's and Master's study programme
b) the best student in the doctoral study programme
c) the collective of outstanding students

The director of the department can nominate 1 person for each category, up to 2 persons (students / recent graduates) for large departments. If the department prepares more than one nomination, please prioritize them. When preparing the nomination, please take into account the scientific output, teaching experience and significant activities of the student or graduate in the field. No further attachments are needed. You can also nominate students nominated for the Rector's Award, in which case you only need to send the student's name and we will use the nomination form from the Rector's Award.

Nominations for the Faculty of Science MU prepared in the nomination form should be sent to by 23 March 2025. The nominations will be reviewed and selected by the Dean's Board.

An overview of all award winners in the past years is available here.

Balzan Prizes

The Balzan Prizes are awarded in the following thematic areas: (1) literature, moral sciences and the arts, (2) physical, mathematical, natural sciences, and medicine, and (3) humanities, peace and fraternity among nations. The prizes are awarded to scientists, artists and researchers who have distinguished themselves internationally in their field. A maximum of four prizes may be awarded in any one year.

The Balzan Prize for Humanity, Peace,and Fraternity Among Peoples is a special prize awarded at intervals of no less than three years. It is destined to a person or an organisation that has achieved distinction for outstanding humanitarian work.

In 2025, prizes will be awarded in the following areas:

  • Atoms and Ultra-Precise Measurement of Time
  • Gene and Gene-Modified Cell Therapy

The amount of each Balzan Prize is around CHF 750,000 (approx. CZK 18 million). The winners traditionally donate half of the prize to fund research projects, preferably carried out by young scientists or researchers.

The deadline for applications is 15 March 2025. To apply with the recommendation of the Rector of Masaryk University, please send the necessary documents to Mrs Švestková by 3 February 2025. The nomination must be approved by the Director of the Department and the Dean of the Faculty. The deadline for sending the documents to the Rector's Office is 10 February.

More information can be found on the website of the award.

EMBO Gold Medal

Every year, the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) awards a gold medal to young scientists for outstanding research in the life sciences.

Eligible candidates are life scientists who are currently working in one of the EMBC Member States and who are under the age of 40 years, or within ten years of having obtained their PhD or equivalent on the day of the deadline for nominations and have at least one senior author paper. The winner receives a medal and a scholarship of 10,000 EUR.

EMBO Members and EMBO Young Investigators are invited to nominate candidates for the medal every year. To be considered, a nomination must be supported by one proposer (EMBO Member or Young Investigator) and two sponsors (EMBO Members), and must include:

    • Nomination form
    • CV of the proposed candidate
    • Individual statements (letters of support) from the proposer and the two sponsors, indicating why they believe the candidate should be considered for the medal
    • The deadline for sending nominations  is 1 February 2025.

Detailed information about the competition can be found here.

European Charlemagne Youth Prize

The European Charlemagne Youth Prize is awarded to young people's projects that promote democracy in Europe and contribute to cooperation and understanding both within Europe and internationally. It highlights the daily efforts of young people to strengthen a common European identity and recognises their active participation in shaping Europe. The prize has been awarded since 2008 by the European Parliament together with the Charlemagne International Prize Foundation in Aachen.

To apply for the European Charlemagne Youth Prize:

  • you must have a European project to enter;
  • you must be between 16 and 30 years old;
  • you must live in an EU Member State.

You can submit your project either as an individual or on behalf of an organisation or group of young people. All nominated projects will first be evaluated by a national jury in the Member State where the project takes place, which will select one national winner. From these 27 national winners, the European jury will select the three best European projects, which will receive up to €7,500.

The deadline to the competition is 30 January 2025. All details can be found on the competition website

Experientia Foundation grant for a foreign internship

The Experientia Foundation provides young scientists up to 35 years of age with a one-year postdoctoral fellowship in organic, bioorganic or medicinal chemistry and related disciplines.

All you need to do is to come up with an original project, approach your dream institute and apply for an award. Selected candidates will be invited to a joint meeting of the Grants Committee and the Board of Trustees of the Experientia Foundation, where they will have the opportunity to present their project in more detail. This meeting is usually held at the end of May.

The deadline for submissions is 15 March 2025. To submit a project with the recommendation of the Rector of Masaryk University, please send the necessary documents to Mrs. Švestková by 3 February 2025. The documents must be approved by the Director of the Department and the Dean of the Faculty. The deadline for sending the documents to the Rector's Office is 10 February.

Detailed information is available here.

Gratias Agit Award

The Gratias agit Award of the Minister of Foreign Affairs for spreading the good name of the Czech Republic abroad was established in 1997 to honour leading personalities and organisations for their exemplary activities in the non-governmental sphere.

The Gratias agit Award, granted by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, may be awarded to persons, regardless of their nationality and citizenship, irrespective of their country of origin and current residence, who, through their long-term activities beyond the scope of their professional duties or through a significant act, have purposefully contributed or are contributing to the dissemination of the good name of the Czech Republic abroad.

The proposal must be submitted in writing and must include:

(a) if a person is nominated for the award:
- the name, surname, title, date of birth, nationality and permanent address of the proposed natural person,
- a brief curriculum vitae of the proposed natural person,
- a justification for the proposal,

(b) if an organisation is proposed for the award:
- the basic details according to its statutes,
- a brief description of the organisation,
- the history of its existence and an overview of its activities,
- a justification of the proposal.

Nominations are submitted with the support of the Rector, so please send the documents to Mrs. Švestková by 11 November 2024. The deadline for submissions to the competition is 31 December 2024.

Further information is available on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic (in Czech).

Jiřina Michlová Prize awarded by the Learned Society of the Czech Republic to students of doctoral study programmes

The Jiřina Michlová Prize awarded by the Learned Society of the Czech Republic to students of doctoral study programmes is open to anyone who is studying at a Czech university in a doctoral study programme at the time of submission of the application or who graduated from a doctoral study programme not more than one year ago. Each person may submit a maximum of one application per year.

Students apply with one original thesis (not a set of theses) by emailing one PDF to, which includes the following sections:

  • student identification information (name, surname, e-mail, university and field of study)
  • title and abstract of the submitted work
  • the submitted work (it can be a professional article, a student paper or a study created exclusively for the purposes of the Prize)
  • a popularisation text based on the attached original work; shorter texts should be written as if they were intended for, for example, the journal Vesmír
  • a scanned PDF of an assessment of the work by an expert in the field of the work, such as a supervisor, with his/her signature and identifying details, which also describes the student's contribution to the work submitted.

The evaluation criteria are mainly originality and the student's contribution to the submitted research work.

The deadline for applications is 31 January 2025. Nominations must be sent directly to the organisers of the competition.

More information can be found on the Learned Society website (in Czech).

King Faisal Prize

The King Faisal Foundation supports excellent work by individuals and institutions in five main areas: Service to Islam, Islamic Studies, Arabic Language and Literature, Science, and Medicine. This year, the King Faisal Prize in Science is awarded in the field of Mathematics, and The King Faisal Prize in Medicine is focused on the topic of Discoveries Transformating Obesity Therapeutics.

Nomination statutes
  • Nominations are accepted from universities, scientific institutions, and research centers.
  • Nominations are not accepted from individuals or political parties.
  • Nominated works must be published, likely to benefit mankind and enrich human knowledge.
  • Dissertations are not accepted.
  • Nominations are not accepted posthumously.
  • Laureates of the King Faisal Prize shall not be awarded the prize again.
  • More than one candidate may be nominated, irrespective of their affiliation to the institution.
Requirements from THE nominating body
  • An official letter of nomination for each nominee separately, adequately justifying the nomination and outlining the nominee's achievements in the field of the prize.
  • A list of nominated works.
  • A general information form is to be filled out by the nominee. This includes the nominee's name (first name, middle name, last name), date of birth, place of birth (city, state, country), nationality, current position, qualification, field of specialization, summary of major achievements, postal mailing address, contact details (city code, mobile, country code, e-mail, office phone, home phone).
Requirements from each nominee
  • A detailed CV with a list of the nominee's publications.
  • A letter of commitment to present two lectures in his/her field of specialization, at academic institutions in the event s/he is awarded the prize.
  • A copy of each nominated paper; the total number of nominated paper should not exceed 10.
  • A copy of each nominated book and/or book chapter. The total number of nominated books and/or book chapters should not exceed 5. The book's title cover should be appended with each nominated book chapter.
  • A recent color photo of the nominee with high resolution.
Prize components
  • A certificate written in Arabic calligraphy featuring the laureate's name with a brief description of the work for which s/he is awarded the Prize.
  • A commemorative 24-carat, 200-gram gold medallion.
  • A sum of SR 750,000 (CZK 4.6 million).

It is highly recommended to submit proposals on behalf of the Rector, so please send the necessary documents in electronic form to Mgr. Švestka by 21 February 2025. The nomination must be approved by the Department Director and later by the Dean of the Faculty. The deadline for faculty nominations to be sent to the Rector's Office is February 28, 2025.

The deadline for submission of applications is 31 March 2025. Nominations can be submitted by e-mail at or by post at the following address: King Faisal Prize, Al-Khairia Building, King Fahd Road, P.O. Box 22476 - Riyadh 11495 - Saudi Arabia.

Prizes will be presented at an official ceremony later in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Details are available at the prize website or you can write to

Prize of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic

The Prize of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic is open to anyone who is a full-time undergraduate or graduate student at a Czech university at the time of application. Each student may submit a maximum of one application per year.

A student enters the competition with one original work (not a set of works) by emailing one PDF to, which includes the following sections:

  • student identification information (name, surname, email, university and field of study)
  • title and abstract of the submitted work
  • the submitted work (it can be a scientific article, or a bachelor's thesis, a student thesis or a study created exclusively for the purposes of the prize)
  • a popularisation text based on the attached original work; the text should be written as if it were intended, for example, for the journal Vesmír
  • a scanned PDF of an assessment of the work by an expert in the field of the work, such as a supervisor, with his/her signature and identifying details, which also describes the student's contribution to the work submitted.

The evaluation criteria are primarily originality and the student's contribution to the submitted research work.

The deadline for applications is 31 January 2025. More information can be found on the Learned Society website (in Czech).

Start-up grant of the Experientia Foundation

The Experientia Foundation announces the next edition of the competition for a three-year start-up grant of CZK 2 million per year for young scientists working in the field of organic, bioorganic or medicinal chemistry. Research groups supported by the Experientia Foundation have already been established at the Faculty of Science of Charles University in Prague, at the University of Science and Technology in Prague and at the Faculty of Science of Palacký University in Olomouc.

If you are a young scientist (max. 7 years since the completion of your PhD studies) with at least one year of international experience, please send your project to the competition for the establishment of your own research group. Contact now the host institution where you would like to start your research group.The host institution will donate an additional 700,000 CZK per year to the grantee.

The deadline for submissions is 15 March 2025. To submit a project with the recommendation of the Rector of Masaryk University, please send the necessary documents to Mrs. Švestková by 6 February 2025. The documents must be approved by the Director of the Department and the Dean of the Faculty. The deadline for sending the documents to the Rector's Office is 10 February.

Detailed information can be found here.

Student competition for the publication of the best master's theses in book form

Academia Publishing House announces the 13th edition of the Student Competition for the publication of the best master's theses in books. The aim of the competition is to draw the attention of the general public to the best master's theses and their talented authors. The competition is open to the submission of theses that, in your opinion, deserve to be published in book form.

The submitted manuscript must meet the following conditions:

  • The author must be a student or graduate of a Master's degree programme at a Czech university based in the Czech Republic and must not be older than 28 years.
  • The manuscript is submitted by the department/supervisor of the thesis where the author was or is registered for studies and where the master's thesis was defended.
  • The manuscript must receive a grade of excellent.
  • The manuscript must be in the Czech language.
  • The manuscript must not be longer than 300 pages.
  • The Master's thesis must be defended between 1 November 2023 and 31 October 2024.

The application includes:

  • a letter of recommendation from the thesis advisor / department chair or department director, along with an indication of the competitive category in which the thesis is entered;
  • the manuscript in electronic form;
  • the supervisor's and referee's opinions (they will serve as a guide for the jury and will not be published otherwise);
  • written consent of the student to submit the work and his/her contact details (name, surname, e-mail, telephone number), as well as the student's date of birth (to verify that the age requirement of up to 28 years is met). This personal data is for the sole use of the competition organiser, will not be published anywhere or provided to other entities, and will be recorded for a maximum period of the current competition year, i.e. until the end of October 2024, after which it will be deleted/anonymised.

For the work to be submitted, the documents mentioned above must be sent to the e-mail of Marie Povýšilová ( by 15 February 2025. To submit a nomination to the competition on behalf of the Rector, please send the documents to Mrs. Švestková by 15 January 2025.

All further details are given in the statutes (in CZ) and on the competition website (in CZ), where you can also find information about previous editions.

A non-exclusive publishing licence agreement will be concluded between the author of the winning manuscript and the competition organiser, in which the competition organiser will undertake to publish the manuscript as a non-periodical publication in an edition set up for this purpose, with a minimum print run of 100 copies, at its own expense, within one calendar year of the publication of the winning manuscript, on the basis of a free licence granted by the author of the manuscript. When preparing the publication of the winning publication, the author will be obliged to follow the Guidelines for Authors on the Academia Publishing House website. The publication will be offered in all Academia bookstores and on the Academia Publishing e-shop. The author will receive at least one author's copy. The author will be able to publish his/her work or part of it freely in foreign journals.

Via Chimica

Even a university student can be behind a discovery that will change the world. That is why the Via Chimica Prize was created, which is awarded to young talents in the field of chemistry by the Experientia Foundation in cooperation with the Learned Society of the Czech Republic. The competition is open to students of Czech universities in Bachelor's or Master's studies who have a great original student work in the field of chemistry. Each student can submit a maximum of one application.

The winner of the Via Chimica Prize will receive a personal bonus of CZK 50,000 from the Experientia Foundation. The evaluation criteria are mainly originality and the student's contribution to the submitted research work.

The student enters the competition with one original paper, typically an article (not a collection of papers). The application contains the following sections:

  • identifying information (name, surname, date of birth and e-mail, university and field of study)
  • title of the work
  • abstract of the research paper (1 standard page)
  • an original research paper (this may be a scientific article, or a bachelor's thesis, student thesis or study produced solely for the purposes of the prize)
  • a popularisation text based on the attached original work (1–2 standard pages); the text should be written as if it were intended for, for example, the journal Vesmír
  • a scanned pdf of the thesis supervisor's statement with his/her handwritten signature attesting the student's contribution to the research work. The statement should include (a) an assessment of the student's contribution to the design and conception of the thesis, (b) to the acquisition and analysis of the results, and (3) a statement as to whether the student has independently critically evaluated and sorted the results obtained.

The deadline for applications is 15 February 2025. Applications should be sent to the Experientia Foundation ( For more information, please visit the competition's website.

Non-ongoing competitions

Masaryk University Rector's Award

Every year, the rector of Masaryk University issues a call for nominations for the Masaryk University Rector’s Award. This prize is awarded in several categories as established by MU Directive No. 7/2016 – Masaryk University Rector's Award (in Czech only). The winners receive an MU medal, a diploma, and a monetary award. The rector usually confers the awards during a ceremony held during Dies academicus or during other celebrations.

The award is announced in the following categories:

  • Rector’s Award for Outstanding Creative Activity,
  • Rector’s Award for Outstanding Artistic Activity,
  • Rector’s Award for an Outstanding Sports Performance,
  • Rector’s Award for Extraordinary International Grant Competition Results,
  • Rector’s Award for Outstanding Research Results Achieved by Young Scientists under 40,
  • Rector’s Award for Long-term Excellence in Research,
  • Rector’s Award for Outstanding Teachers,
  • Award for long-term outstanding teaching activity,
  • Rector’s Award for Innovations in Teaching,
  • Rector’s Award for Exceptional Students in MU Master’s Programmes,
  • Rector’s Award for Best students in MU Doctoral Programmes,
  • Rector’s Award for an Outstanding Doctoral Thesis,
  • Rector’s Award for the Active Development of Civil Society,
  • Rector’s Award for Volunteering.

In each category of the competition, the dean of the faculty can submit a maximum of 1 nomination for the award, unless otherwise specified, so please submit only one nomination per department in a given category. The proposal form, proposal details and required attachments are available on the MU Portal. The competition for the Rector's Award for Outstanding Teachers is governed by its own rules.

Nominations for the Faculty of Science should be sent to Mrs. Švestková by 23 January 2025. The nominations will be reviewed and selected by the Dean's Board. The deadline for sending the nominations to the Rector's Office is 31 January 2025.

An overview of all award winners in the past years is available here (in Czech).

Vice-rector's award for excellent results in doctoral studies

The aim of this award, which is part of the so-called Strengthening of the appreciation of excellent study results of doctoral students, is to increase the number of doctoral students who complete their studies in the standard study period, possibly extended by one year, with excellent results processed in their dissertation. The award should motivate students and their supervisors to successfully complete their studies in the shortest possible time, and to prepare and process excellent research and dissertations.

Conditions for submitting a nomination
  1. The graduate successfully defended his/her dissertation in the academic year 2023/2024 (in the period from 1 July 2023 to 31 July 2024).
  2. The graduate completed his/her studies in the standard period of study (max. increased by one year).
  3. His/her works are based on excellent scientific results – mainly the first author's publications in the best journals (typically Q1 according to WoS), or another field-specific excellent result.
  • Funds in the amount of CZK 2 million are available, which will be distributed among graduates and their supervisors from all 10 MU faculties: 25 000 CZK for a doctoral student and 25 000 CZK for the supervisor*.
  • Nominations at the Faculty of Science will first be assessed by the Dean's Board, and the award will then be decided by the Vice-Rector for Research and Doctoral Studies at MU.
  • Awarded graduates and their supervisors will receive a decree and financial reward* in the fall semester of 2024.
Requirements for nominations
  • identification of the student, including information on the length of their studies
  • a description of the student's excellence with focus on explaining the scientific contribution and societal impact of the dissertation project,
  • a list of the student's peer-reviewed publications, optionally a list of their other outputs
  • identification of the supervisor
  • optional: identification and contribution of the consultant
  • the nomination for each student is submitted on a separate nomination form with the electronic signature of the Dean or relevant Vice-Dean

*It is also possible to add a consultant/mentor etc. to the nomination, when awarded, they will receive a decree. No financial reward is given to the consultant.

Nominations on behalf of the MU Faculty of Science should be sent by the directors of the departments to Mrs. Procházková by 12 June 2024. The nominations will be assessed by the Dean's Board and selected nominations will be forwarded to the Rector's Office by 2 August for assessment by the Vice-Rector for Research and Doctoral Studies at MU.

The list of awardees for the previous academic years can be found on the MU Portal.

Albert Einstein Prize

The World Cultural Council announces the Albert Einstein Prize to recognize individuals and institutions that have achieved outstanding success in science and education.

The Albert Einstein Prize is awarded to scientists whose achievements can serve as an inspiration for future generations. Considerations will be given to individuals or institutions in one of the Life Sciences, such as Neuroscience, Earth Science, Biology, Biochemistry, or Chemistry; or in one of the Natural Sciences such as Physics, Mathematics or Astronomy.

The application form is available here.

Nominations are made with the support of the Rector, so please send the documents to Mrs. Procházková by 31 October 2023. The deadline for submissions to the competition is 30 November 2023.

Further information can be found on the competition website.

Award of the Chair of the Council for Research, Development and Innovation

The President's Award of the Council for Research, Development and Innovation for the promotion or popularisation of research, experimental development and innovation for the year 2022 is awarded by the President of the Council for Research, Development and Innovation, who may award this award on the basis of a proposal or on her own initiative. The Chairperson's Award cannot be awarded in memoriam.

The financial award for the promotion or popularisation of research, experimental development and innovation shall be awarded to a natural person for a significant work in the field of the development of research, experimental development and innovation, including its promotion or popularisation, or to a natural person who has made a significant contribution to the promotion or popularisation of research, experimental development and innovation by publishing, transmitting or otherwise disseminating knowledge and expertise in the field of research, experimental development or innovation in a popular scientific manner.

The laureate will receive a financial award of up to CZK 500 000 together with the prize. This award is granted from the budget chapter of the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic and can be granted only once per calendar year.

In selecting a candidate for the award, the Chair of the Council assesses the number, scope and quality of popularisation public appearances and the number, scope and quality of written popularisation contributions, including popularisation in the media and various public lectures, taking into account the impact on the public, especially in terms of promoting the long-term prospects of research, experimental development and innovation.

Requirements for the candidate

The proposal for the Chairperson's Award includes:

  1. the name of the nominee,
  2. date of birth,
  3. curriculum vitae,
  4. a description of the nominee's lifetime achievements and references at home and abroad (up to 5 pages).

The proposal is submitted by the Rector of Masaryk University, for this reason we kindly ask you to submit the nomination in duplicate on the form with the duly filled in details to Mrs. Procházková no later than 10 September 2022.

Proposals for the 2022 Prize should be submitted to the Ministry of Education no later than 30 September 2022. Detailed information can be found here (in Czech).

Award of the Minister of Agriculture for the best realized result of research and experimental development

The Minister of Agriculture appreciates the creative activities of scientists leading to outstanding results of research and experimental development with a significant contribution to Czech agriculture, food, forestry, and water management and the transfer of these results into practice.

The award is given in the form of a financial prize. The total amount of the financial award for a given year is CZK 240 000 and is graded according to the order of the best-evaluated results: 1st prize = CZK 100 000; 2nd prize = CZK 80 000; 3rd prize = CZK 60 000.

A proposal may be a result that has not been published, protected under special legislation, or implemented for more than 5 years. It is not possible to submit proposals for awards for results that have already been evaluated in previous years.

Each proposal may contain only one result. Multiple (separate) proposals may be submitted by the same author. A result proposed for the competition may be:

a) Jimp, Jsc, Jost – peer-reviewed article;
b) a result protected under special legislation: P – patent, Zodru – variety, Zplem – breed, Fužit – utility model, Fprum – industrial design;
c) R – software, Gprot – prototype, Zpolop – semi-operation, Ztech – proven technology, Nmet – methodology, Nmap –​ specialised map with specialised content.

The deadline for submission of applications is March 14, 2022. Detailed information necessary to prepare and submit a proposal for the award, including information on the evaluation method and criteria, is contained in the Statutes and Rules of Procedure (in Czech) and in the related documents attached here (in Czech).

Award of the Minister of Agriculture for Young Scientists

The aim is to support young scientists up to 35 years of age and their creative activity leading to excellent results of research and experimental development with a significant contribution to Czech agriculture, food, forestry, and water management.

The award is given in the form of a financial prize. The total amount of the financial award for a given year is CZK 240 000 and is graded according to the order of the best-evaluated results: 1st prize = CZK 100 000; 2nd prize = CZK 80 000; 3rd prize = CZK 60 000.

The deadline for submission of applications is March 14, 2022. Detailed information necessary to prepare and submit a proposal for the award, including information on the evaluation method and criteria, is contained in the Statutes and Rules of Procedure (in Czech) and in the related documents attached here (in Czech).

Brain Prize

The Lundbeck Foundation awards this prize for outstanding research and breakthrough discovery in the field of neuroscience. Each year, approximately 1.3 million EUR is awarded to one or more neurologists who have a pioneering impact on brain research.

The Brain Prize is awarded at a ceremony in Copenhagen chaired by His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince of Denmark. The Brain Prize was first awarded in 2011 and has so far honored 34 scientists from 9 different countries.

Nominations for 2022 will open in May 2021. The application must include the full name and area of ​​research of the nominee, as well as a justification for the nomination based on his selected list of publications. Nominations are made online here.

Nomination criteria:

  • The nomination itself is not accepted.
  • Anyone can nominate.
  • Nominees can be of any nationality and work in any part of the world.
  • Nominees can work in any field of neuroscience.
  • Nominees must still be actively involved in research.
  • If several researchers have made a significant contribution to the success, several may be nominated.
  • It is recommended to reappoint previously unsuccessful candidates.

Further information on the prize is available on the competition's website.

Brno City Award

The Brno City Council annually awards the Brno City Award for an important activity or work that has enriched one or more areas of public life and thus contributed to strengthening the good name of the city of Brno.

The award is given in the following areas:

  • technical sciences
  • science
  • medical science and pharmacy
  • social sciences
  • architecture and urbanism
  • fine art and design
  • music
  • literary activity
  • journalism and journalism
  • dramatic art
  • sport
  • international cooperation of the city of Brno
  • merits for freedom and democracy
  • extraordinary contribution to the city of Brno

In each of these areas, only one prize can be awarded each year, per individual, pair or team. Written proposals for the Award to a specific candidate in a specific field may be submitted by citizens, authorities of the Statutory City of Brno and city districts, members of the Brno City Council and city district councils, organisations, institutions, companies, societies and associations, universities, scientific institutes and other entities. The winner will receive a diploma of the Brno City Award and a sculpture by Miroslava Šobrová "Brno City Award". As part of the award, each of the laureates will receive a financial gift from the budget of the Statutory City of Brno in the amount of CZK 20,000.

The proposal must include the name of the candidate, the field in which the award is proposed, a proper justification of the proposal and the contact details of the proposer. It is advisable to title the written proposal 'Proposal for the Brno City Award'. The proposal may be supplemented by additional documents in an annex, which may supplement the justification of the proposal.

Nominations are submitted by the Rector, so please send the necessary materials to Mrs. Procházková by 20 July 2024. The nomination must be approved by the Director of the Department and the Dean of the Faculty. The deadline for sending nominations to the Rector's Office is 29 July. Proposals for the Brno City Prize should be submitted to the Brno City Council by 31 August of the relavant year.

Detailed information and instructions for submitting a proposal can be found on the website of the statutory city of Brno (in CZ).

Brno Ph.D. Talent

Brno Ph.D. Talent is a competition for students of doctoral study programmes that offers long-term financial support and career development support to 25 talented doctoral students in the form of a scholarship of CZK 100,000 per year for three years.

The competition is funded by the Brno City Council and administered by the South Moravian Centre for International Mobility. The scholarship will be awarded to the 25 best applicants who convince the expert committee of the excellence of their achievements and the quality of their proposed research project.

Conditions for registration

  • study at one of 4 partner universities
  • full-time study of the 1st or 2nd semester in September 2023
  • maximum age of 32 years including
  • majoring in a technical or natural science discipline

The application consists of three parts: a professional CV of the applicant, a description of the research project and definition of the team, and a description of the professional background that will be used to tackle the project. The entire application must be written in English and submitted in one PDF file.

Registration is open from 4 to 24 September 2023. The application form and more information can be found here.

Cena za průmysl 4.0 / Industry 4.0 Award

The Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic announces the third year of the Industry 4.0 Award competition. The Association will award companies that gain competitive advantages and become an inspiration in their industries by using Industry 4.0 technologies and approaches. By their example, such companies also help to create an environment for the wider introduction of Industry 4.0 elements into Czech industry.

The aim is to popularise Czech industry and profile it as a "modern and innovative industry" among the public. The examples of the selected projects will bring inspiration to companies and motivate them to follow trends and implement modern technologies, elements of Industry 4.0.

The competition is open to companies/entrepreneurs with an interesting innovative project related to the overall digital transformation of the company or the deployment of individual elements of Industry 4.0 in different areas of the company's operation, such as production and technology, logistics, energy, customer relations, human resources or research and development. The condition is that the project is carried out in 2021 or 2022, and the winner will receive CZK 50,000.

Evaluation criteria:

  • innovative solutions,
  • complexity of the project,
  • impact of the project on the results and development of the company,
  • impact of the project on the company's employees,
  • contribution to digital transformation.

To enter a project in the competition, you need to fill in a form with basic information and attach a PDF with a narrative description of the project according to the structure (in Czech). Please send the mentioned information to Mrs. Procházková. After checking, they will be forwarded to the Rector's Office, which will process the nominations collectively for the whole MU. The deadline for submissions is May 15, 2022. The deadline for submissions to the competition is May 31, 2022. More information can be found on the competition website (in Czech).

ČEPS Diploma Thesis Competition

ČEPS operates in the Czech Republic as the operator of the electricity transmission system. The competition for the best diploma thesis is a great opportunity for students to establish cooperation and start their careers.

If you have written a diploma thesis on one of the topics offered here (in CZ) or yours is closely related to the transmission system, you can enter your thesis in the Diploma Thesis of the Year competition. The winner will not only receive CZK 20,000, but will also have the opportunity to spend a day with selected experts from the ČEPS Group and have lunch with the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr. Martin Durčák. The winner will be selected by a jury of company experts.

The deadline for entries is 30 September 2022. Information on the competition can be found on the company's website (in CZ).

To enter the competition, please send your thesis in PDF format, the opinion of the thesis supervisor and the opinion of your opponent to:

Česká hlava

Every year, the Česká hlava company with the Government of the Czech Republic announces the Česká hlava competition for Czech scientists, engineers and talented university students. The winners are decided by an independent jury composed of representatives of universities, the Academy of Sciences and experts from practice. The prizes are awarded to the winners at a gala evening broadcast by ČT in prime time.

The prizes are awarded in the following categories:

  1. National Government Prize Česká hlava for lifetime contribution to the scientific field, a financial award CZK 1,000,000.
  2. ABB Company Prize (Invention Prize) for a discovery or an extraordinary achievement in the field of basic or applied research or for a technological innovation with regard to the prospect of practical application, financial award of CZK 250,000.
  3. CSG Prize (Industrie Prize) for the most significant technological or product innovation made in the Czech Republic in the last few years on the basis of own research or in cooperation with a research organisation.
  4. Doctorandus Prize for Technical Sciences for the most innovative approach, the most significant achievement, professional or scientific activity of a student of a doctoral study programme, especially in the field of engineering, biotechnology, systems engineering and cybernetics, taking into account the prospects of its applicability in practice, financial reward of CZK 50,000.
  5. Doctorandus Prize for Natural Sciences for innovative approach, most outstanding achievement, professional or scientific activity of a student of a doctoral study programme, especially in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and medicine, financial reward of CZK 50,000.
  6. Prize of the Health Insurance Company of the Ministry of the Interior (Lorem Award) for a discovery or extraordinary achievement in the field of health care, medical care, pharmacy and fields dealing with human health, or for an original therapeutic procedure in basic or applied research, financial reward of CZK 100,000.
  7. The Minister of the Environment Award: for a contribution in the field of environmental improvement or sustainable development, it is necessary to provide an opinion of two professional or scientific staff on the importance and contribution of the work of the applicant, at least one of whom must not be an employee of the same organisation as the applicant at the time of submission of the application.

Only one prize is awarded in each category. The jury may decide to award a special prize or to transfer a nomination to another category; one nomination may be submitted in more than one category. The winner of categories 2 and 4–6 may be a natural person with Czech citizenship or a citizen of another nationality who has applied for Czech citizenship at the time of submission of the application.

Proposals are submitted to the competition on behalf of the Rector, so please send the necessary materials to Mrs. Procházková by 14 June 2024. The nomination must be approved by the Director of the Department and the Dean of the Faculty. The deadline for sending nominations to the Rector's Office is 17 June.

Nominations in category 1 must be sent by mail or in paper form to the address specified in the competition statutes. Nominations for categories 2–6 should be sent with the relevant documentation to The nomination usually includes a description of the discovery, product or the candidate's professional or scientific work, including a description of the results achieved, and a recommendation from experts or scientists on the significance and contribution of the candidate's work.

All information and requirements for nominations in each category can be found in the Statute of the competition (in Czech).

Danubius Young Scientist Award

The award is given to 14 young researchers – one for each country that is part of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Romania, and Ukraine) – with the intention to honor persons with extraordinary achievements in their scientific activity and output in relation to the Danube region.

The award seeks to highlight the scientific work and talent of young researchers and enhance the visibility of the scientific community in the region. Moreover, the award encourages young scientists to engage in the scientific examination of the multifaceted issues and questions specifically related to the Danube region. Each winner will receive, in addition to the visibility of their work, an amount of EUR 1,350.

Award Criteria:

  • Scientific excellence and innovative approach of the academic work
  • Thematic relevance of the scientific work for issues/problems of the Danube Region
  • Relevance of the scientific work beyond the national borders
  • Potential of the candidate (for example integration in international networks, participation in scientific projects, publication history, experience in teaching, etc.)
  • Participants who received their Master/PhD max. 5 years ago (after 1 January 2019)

Candidates for the Danubius Young Scientist Award can come from all scientific disciplines. The number of nominations per organization is limited to a maximum number of 5. However, the five candidates have to come from different faculties or departments, institutes or research groups within the organization.

For the attribution to the country, the nominating institution is the determining factor. Meaning, if for example, a Czech institution would nominate a researcher for the award, the citizenship of the researcher itself is irrelevant, the price will be attributed to Czechia. With that, the organizers want to open the nomination process for all young researchers from an institution within the EUSDR and thereby contributing to the Danube Region research landscape.

Proposals for the competition are submitted by the Rector. Please send complete documents in electronic form to Mrs. Procházková until 15 April 2024. The nomination will be assessed by the Dean and then sent to the Rector's office (by 22 April). Proposals on behalf of the Rector must be submitted to the competition by 3 May 2023.

More information can be found on the website of the award.

EMBO Women in Science

The competition recognises women scientists who have made outstanding contributions to life sciences research and significantly advanced our understanding of a particular discipline in the last five years in Europe. Their research can cover any area of the life sciences including agricultural and biomedical research. The award is generally not meant to be for lifetime achievements. Nominees should be female scientists working in an EMBC Member State or FEBS member country.

Submit your nomination via this link. The nomination consists of:

  • Nomination form
  • Support letter 1
  • Support letter 2
  • Nominee CV (max. three pages)

The nomination form asks the nominator to give details of the nominee’s contribution(s) to the field and describe any outstanding achievements. Please include evidence of international recognition, leadership and mentorship qualities, honours and awards, as well as any activities to support gender diversity in science. The support letters should come from two additional scientists (i.e. not the nominator). There is no requirement for the nominee, nominator or supporters to be associated with EMBO or FEBS.

The committee finds it informative to have an overview of the candidate’s career, but is most interested in contributions within the last five years.

The deadline for nominations is 15 October 2023. It is advisable to submit nominations with the support of the Rector, in which case send the nomination to Mrs. Procházková by 10 October 2023.

Further information can be found on the competition website.

Eppendorf Award for Young European Investigators

The Eppendorf Award for Young European Investigators was first established in 1995. It acknowledges outstanding contributions to biomedical research in Europe based on methods of molecular biology, including novel analytical concepts. The Award winner will, among other things, receive a prize money of 20,000 EUR for personal use.

The application is in English and must include:

  • your personal data
  • your curriculum vitae
  • a title describing the subject of your research
  • an essay of max. 2,000 characters (incl. spaces) summarizing your research
  • a short description of your major discovery
  • your publication list
  • PDF files of your published papers (min. 3, max. 5)

The papers submitted will be evaluated with respect to the following selection criteria:

  1. Independent scientific work
  2. Creativity (independent of instructions from head of institute)
  3. Successful practical application of research approach
  4. Significance of research results for the field of medicine
  5. Achievement of candidate in relation to his/her age

The main focus is on investigating the molecular biological mechanisms of the human organism and then translating this research into practical findings. The long-term goal is the diagnosis and therapy of those diseases which have yet to be treated successfully.

The deadline for submission of applications for the competition is 15 January 2024. For the Rector's support of the nomination, please send the necessary documents to Mrs. Procházková by 25 November 2023. The nomination must be approved by the Director of the Department and the Dean of the Faculty. The deadline for sending nominations to the Rector's Office is 30 November 2023.

For more information visit the competition website.

Eppendorf & Science Prize for Neurobiology

The Eppendorf & Science International Prize for Neurobiology is awarded annually to a young scientist under the age of 35 for the most outstanding neurobiological research based on methods of molecular and cell biology conducted by him/her during the past three years. The award is associated with a financial reward of $ 25,000.

Rules of eligibility
  • The applicant must be a neurobiologist with an advanced degree received in the last 10 years and not older than 35 years of age.
  • The applicant's essay must describe contributions to neurobiological research based on methods of molecular and cell biology.
  • The applicant must have performed or directed the work described in the essay.
  • The research must have been performed during the previous three years.

The application must be accompanied by (all in English):

  • an essay of own research activity in accordance with current methods and advances in the field of neurobiology (max. 1000 words),
  • a one-page letter of recommendation from a postdoctoral adviser, supervisor, or another senior colleague who is familiar with the applicant's work,
  • a CV including:
  1. Full citations of papers that the applicant has published on the research described in the essay
  2. Academic and professional awards and honors received
  3. Relevant professional experience
  4. Copies of two of the applicant's papers that are most relevant to the essay

The application form and other materials must be submitted electronically via the online form by 15 June 2023. Further information on the prize is available on its website.

European Statistics Awards for Web Intelligence

Eurostat, the European Statistical Office, announces the next round of the Statistical Awards. The current theme is about occupational classification in online job offers and is aimed at data analysts:

European Statistics Awards for Web Intelligence – Classification of occupations for online job advertisements challenge (WI Classification Challenge)

The deadline for registration is 15 July 2024. Teams will compete during a four-month period until 30 September 2024.

The European Statistics Awards programme focuses on discovering promising methodologies for processing web content to extract valuable data that can be used for statistical and analytical purposes.

Falling Walls Lab Czech Republic

The Falling Walls Lab is represented by an interdisciplinary format to showcase the next generation of top researchers from all over the world, hosted annually by the Falling Walls Foundation in Berlin. Participants have exactly 3 minutes to present their projects (in English) from a wide range of fields in front of an audience and jury.

The aim of the competition is to bring together the next generation of great scientists and innovators to come up with a scientific project, business plan or social initiative that will break down all walls and barriers. The winner of the national round will get prize money and will represent the Czech Republic at the global finale in Berlin.

  • Age 18+
  • If you hold a Bachelor's degree, it shouldn't date back more than 10 years
  • If you hold a Master's degree, it shouldn't date back more than 7 years
  • If you hold a PhD, it shouldn't date back more than 5 years
  • Postdocs and students currently enrolled at a university or at the research institutions are also eligible to apply
  • If you have presented at Falling Walls Lab in recent years, we would like to welcome you to the audience!
The presentations are in English in a "pitch-talk" format that is no longer than three minutes. It doesn't matter whether the topic is computing or medicine, economics or engineering, philosophy, robotics, chemistry, art or agriculture – the competition is open to anyone who is convinced of their idea and can convince others of it. Students of all levels are welcome, even PhDs and postdocs.

First, register on the website of the Falling Walls Lab Czech Republic. While confirming your participation, make sure to reveal the final title of your presentation to us. If you advance to the national finals, a short BIO (ca 150 words) together with your photo. Don’t forget to download brief instructions and presentation template. Send your final presentation by 4 September 2024 at latest.

The deadline for applications is 30 June 2024. For more information, please visit the Falling Walls Lab Czech Republic website.


FameLab is an international science communication competition developed in 2004. Since 2022 FameLab is realized by Charles University. FameLab is a stand-up competition when a contestant has three minutes to explain his/her scientific phenomena in an understandable and amusing way.
Feel you want to try it?! Read more!


  • You must be working or studying in the field of natural sciences, technology, medicine, mathematics or humanities
  • You must be over 21 years old
  • You must study or work at Czech-based university or research institution
  • You must attend a MASTERCLASS training


  • The talk must not be longer than 3 minutes
  • The talk must be on a scientific subject and scientifically correct
  • You cannot use a projector (i.e. electronic presentations, videos, etc.)
  • You must carry any props on and off stage by yourself and they must be safe

By submitting your video to by 31 May 2023, you will enter a preliminary round where an expert jury will select the 10 best videos based on criteria (content, clarity and charisma). These will then receive the prestigious MASTERCLASS training and then measure their strength in the national final at the end of September in Prague. The winner then goes on to become one of the best in the participating countries. The content of your video and competition entry does not have to be identical, but should be on the same topic. Quality of your video is not evaluated. You may modify your presentation before the contest after attending a Masterclass.


  • until 31 May 2023: deadline for application
  • June 2023: 10 finalists announcement
  • 16–17 September 2023: Masterclass national (Prague)
  • 26 September 2023: National final
  • October 2023: Masterclass international (online)
  • November 2023: finale (online live)

More information can be found on the competition website.

František Běhounek Award

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports announces the František Běhounek Award for the promotion and popularization of Czech science and the dissemination of the good name of the Czech Republic in the European Research Area (ERA).

The prize is awarded to a scientific figure who meets the following conditions:

  • operates in basic or applied research, development or academia,
  • graduated from a Czech university or works in a research or educational institution in the Czech Republic and
  • over the last five years, through his active and successful participation in European cooperation projects in the field of research, experimental development and innovation, he has contributed to the promotion and popularization of the scientific field and to spreading the good name of the Czech Republic.

The award is accompanied by a financial reward of CZK 250,000. The prize is awarded by the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports on the basis of a proposal from an expert committee, which will evaluate the nominations. The prize is not awarded in memoriam.

The candidate may be proposed by a university or research institution, the editors of a professional impacted scientific journal or a person who holds the academic title of professor obtained or recognized in the Czech Republic or in another country of the EU.

Nominations are submitted by the Rector, so please send the necessary materials to Mrs. Procházková by 7 June 2024. The nomination must be approved by the Director of the Department and the Dean of the Faculty. The deadline for sending nominations to the Rector's Office is 10 June. The deadline for submissions to the competition organisers is 31 July 2024 until 4 PM.

All the terms and conditions of the competition and the application form are available here.

GAMU: Award for Outstanding Research Results

The GAMU program recognizes scientists for their excellence and significant achievements in research at Masaryk University. The aim is to strengthen the motivation of the University's outstanding researchers and to spread the reputation of MU in the scientific community and the public.

Nominations are internal and are coordinated by the RMU Research Department. Nominations, including justification, are made by the RMU Research Department upon invitation:

  • Vice-Deans for Science and Research of the faculties and Masaryk University Research Centres' officers.
  • Director of the Centre for Technology Transfer
  • Vice-Rector for Research and Doctoral Studies
  • Head of the RMU Research Department

Nominations are collected until 15 October 2022.

More information about the competition can be found on the competition website.

Contact person for the competition Iveta Daňhelová, RMU Research Department

The announcement and awarding of the prize will take place at the final GAMU conference on 23 November 2022.

Government's Talented Student Award

The Council for Research, Development and Innovation is launching a call for nominations for the Government's Talented Student Award 2023. The Government Talented Student Award will be given to students who have shown talent and interest in research or scientific work.

The Prize can only be awarded to recognise outstanding achievements in research, experimental development and innovation. It is therefore not possible to award e.g. exceptional academic achievements or the results of other activities in this way. The laureate will receive a financial award of CZK 50,000 together with the prize. This award is provided from the budget chapter of the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic and can be awarded only once per calendar year.

The proposal for the Government Award for a gifted student includes:
a) category to which the student is applying,
b) name and surname,
c) date of birth,
d) residential address, telephone, fax, e-mail,
e) curriculum vitae,
f) a description of the candidate's achievements, highlighting the excellence and quality of the results (up to 3 pages),
g) a certificate from the secondary school or university at which the candidate is studying, attesting to the accuracy of the information given in the application form,
h) a letter of recommendation from two professional or scientific staff on the importance and contribution of the work of the candidate (no older than the previous calendar year).

Nominations for the competition can be sent by individuals and legal entities. Nominations must be received by the Council for Research, Development and Innovation in hard copy or electronically via data mail no later than 31 March 2024. If you wish to support the nomination on behalf of the Rector, please send all supporting documents to Mrs. Procházková by 1 March 2024 (the nomination must be approved by the Director of the Department and the Dean of the Faculty). The deadline for submitting nominations to the Rector's Office is 4 March 2024.

Further information is available on the website of the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic (in Czech).

Henri Becquerel Prize for Nuclear Research

EDF and the French Embassy in the Czech Republic organize a competition aimed at rewarding the best doctoral thesis in the field of nuclear research. The winners will receive a financial reward (CZK 80, 50, and 30,000), and the first two also receive a scholarship for an internship in France.

Conditions of participation:

  • doctoral thesis in the field of nuclear research
  • persons of Czech or Slovak nationality under the age of 33 (as of 1 May 2024)
  • students of a PhD programme at a Czech research institution or university or young researchers who defended their dissertation in 2023 or 2024
  • their doctoral studies do not collude with any work for EDF
  • authorship of at least one scientific article published (or accepted for publication) in a peer-reviewed international journal

Please send applications to Mrs. Procházková until 7 March 2024. They will be later handed over to prof. Viktor Kanický, the coordinator on behalf of MU.

Important dates:

  • 12 March 2024 – the coordinator selects the two best candidates and sends their names and contact information to the French Embassy in the Czech Republic
  • 25 March 2024 – delivery of nominations to the Rector's Office with a request for support by the Rector (optional)
  • 9 April 2024 – the two best candidates send their complete applications to
  • 30 April 2024 – oral presentation of candidates before the selection committee
  • June 2024 – awarding ceremony
  • until 31 December 2025 – internship of the awarded students in France

More information can be found on the competition website.

Impact Hub: Challenge Lab

According to Kokoza's sources, up to 45 kg of ready-to-eat food and leftovers are thrown away daily in gastroprojects. In UGO Salaterias, this is over 100 kg of bio-waste and UGO wants to reduce this amount. Work with us to find innovative solutions to use the leftover organic waste from juice and salad production so it doesn't end up in landfill!

What will the challenge look like?

  • In suitably matched teams, you will choose which area within organic waste you want to tackle.
  • Over the course of five weeks, you will attend educational and work sessions in interesting company.
  • Each team will have a mentor and you will be given plenty of input as you work.
  • You will promote the sharing of know-how and experience between the commercial, academic, research and consumer sectors.

Who can apply?

You can apply as a team or as an individual. The only condition for participation is to have enough time for the whole course of the challenge. We close on 25 November and until then we recommend you set aside 2-10 hours per week.

  • Students, graduates (food science, hygiene, etc.)
  • SMEs, startups
  • Researchers, economists
  • Experts in the food industry

What are you looking for?

  • Cooperation in a team
  • Visit to UGO site
  • Expert workshops and Q&A sessions with representatives from UGO
  • Own mentor and individual expert consultation
  • The winning team will receive a financial reward of 50 000 CZK
  • Meeting people from the industry, new contacts and know how

Applications can be submitted until 17 October 2022 via the form on the event website (CZ), where you will also find the full schedule and complete information. The event is held under the patronage of UGO and EIT Food with the support of the EU and expert partners.

Jean-Marie Lehn Prize for Chemistry

The IOCB Tech Foundation and the French Embassy in the Czech Republic organizes a competition, the aim of which is to support the best doctoral research work in the field of chemistry. The winners will receive a financial reward (CZK 80, 50, and 30,000), and the first two also receive a scholarship for an internship in France.

A Special Prize for Chemistry will also be awarded in partnership with the Czech Chemical Society (CCS). The winner will be delegated to represent CCS at a congress organised by one of the partner Central European chemical societies; further she/he will win a one-year subscription of the CCS scientific journal "Chemicke listy" as well as free membership for the Czech Chemical Society for one year. The first laureate will also be invited to participate in the "Barrande French-Czech Vltava Chemistry Meeting" in 2024, to meet experts in his field. Transportation and accommodation costs will be covered by the organizers of the meeting.

Conditions of participation:

  • doctoral thesis in the field of chemistry
  • persons of Czech or Slovak nationality under the age of 33 (as of 1 May 2024)
  • students of a PhD programme at a Czech research institution or university, or young researchers who defended their dissertation in 2023 or 2024
  • their doctoral studies do not collude with any work for the IOCB Tech Foundation
  • authorship of at least one scientific article published (or accepted for publication) in a peer-reviewed international journal

Please send applications to Mrs. Procházková until 7 March 2024. The applications will be handed over to prof. Milan Potáček, the coordinator on behalf of MU.

Important dates:

  • 12 March 2024 – the coordinator selects the two best candidates and sends their names and contact information to the French Embassy in the Czech Republic
  • 25 March 2024 – delivery of nominations to the Rector's Office with a request for support by the Rector (optional)
  • 9 April 2024 – the two best candidates send their complete applications to
  • 23 April 2024 – oral presentation of candidates before the selection committee
  • June 2024 – awarding ceremony
  • until 31 December 2025 – internship of the awarded students in France

More information can be found on the competition website.

Josef Hlávka Institute of National Economy – public competition for scholarships

The Council of the Josef Hlávka Institute of National Economy announces a public competition for an individual foundation contribution (scholarship). The aim is to support the creation or completion of original research works that go beyond the scope of the already achieved knowledge about the Czech national economy, its historical and social context and related problems.

The main theme of the competition for 2023: Changes and contexts of the development of Czech society and Czech national interests at the beginning of the 21st century. Thematic areas, priorities to which attention should be paid:

  • Foundation and socially beneficial activities in connection with the activities of the Foundation
  • Societal problems and policies aimed at solving them
  • Economic development and its conditions
  • Institutional and legal framework for societal development

The deadline for submission with the recommendation of the Rector of Masaryk University is 10 April 2023. Nominations should be sent to Mrs. Procházková. The deadline for submissions to be delivered to the competition organisers is 15 May 2023 (to be sent by mail).

All the terms and conditions of the competition and the application form are available here (in Czech).

Josef Hlávka Prize

The Czech Literary Fund Foundation together with the Josef, Marie and Zdeňka Hlávka Foundation awards the Josef Hlávka Prize for the past year. The prize is awarded for an original book work in the field of scientific and professional literature published in the Czech Republic in the calendar year under review, in four scientific fields: social sciences, life sciences (inanimate), life sciences, medicine.

Each of the prizes is associated with an award of CZK 50 000. The award ceremony will take place in June at the castle in Lužany near Pilsen. According to the rules of the competition, proposals for the awards (including 1 copy of the publication) can be sent by any legal or natural person to:

Nadace Český literární fond (Czech Literary Fund Foundation), Pod Nuselskými schody 3, 120 00 Prague 2
phone: 222 560 081 / 318 522 078, e-mail:

Nominations from Masaryk University are submitted on behalf of the Rector, so please send the necessary documents to Mrs. Procházková by 25 January 2024. The nomination must be approved by the Director of the Department and the Dean of the Faculty. The deadline for sending nominations to the Rector's Office is 30 January, and the deadline for applications is 9 February 2024.

For more information, please visit the competition website (in Czech).

Josef Vavroušek Environmental Prize

The Josef Vavroušek Environmental Prize is awarded annually by the Partnership Foundation. Its purpose is to reward specific actions for a healthy environment and sustainable development. Josef Vavroušek was the first Federal Minister of the Environment, who promoted the concept of sustainable living in the Czech Republic and within the framework of European cooperation and the United Nations, and a university teacher. His legacy remains to this day an inspiration for greater respect for the environment.

The prize is represented by a diploma, an art object, and, where appropriate, the Partnership Foundation's Board of Trustees may also decide to provide a financial reward.

The prize is usually awarded to three laureates:
1) for long-term contribution to the environment and sustainable development,
2) for exceptional achievement in environmental protection and sustainable living with a relationship to the environment of the Czech Republic,
3) for the Eco Award of the Year for young people (up to 26 years of age) for individual or group academic or extracurricular activities, which may include civic initiatives or activism leading to the protection and care of the environment.

Candidates can be nominated by anyone, primarily from the Czech or Slovak Republic, using the online form (in Czech) until April 1, 2022. To submit a nomination, you must register first. Please note that the more information you provide in your nomination, the better. Please also try to be diligent in providing your contact details for verification of information or any uncertainties. Essential parts of the nomination form include: the name of the nominee, a detailed description of the specific act or activity for which the nominee is being nominated and how the nominee is exceptional, and the name and contact information for the nominator.

It is recommended that you read the contest bylaws (in Czech) before submitting a nomination. More information about the competition can be found here (in Czech).

Joseph Fourier Prize for Computer Sciences

Eviden and the French Embassy in the Czech Republic organize a competition aimed at rewarding the best doctoral research works in computational sciences in the following areas: artificial intelligence, computer systems and networks, cyber security, database systems, human computer interaction, vision and graphics, numerical analysis, programming languages, software engineering, bioinformatics and theory of computing. The winners will receive a financial reward (CZK 65, 40, and 25,000), and the first two also receive a scholarship for an internship in France.

A Special Prize IT4Innovations will also be awarded in partnership with IT41nnovations National Supercomputing Center. The winner will be given access to 250 000 normalised core hours on supercomputers in Ostrava. This special prize is independent of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes and may be awarded to the winners of one of the first three prizes or another candidate.

Conditions of participation:

  • doctoral thesis in the field computational sciences
  • persons of Czech or Slovak nationality under the age of 33 (as of 1 May 2024)
  • students of a PhD programme at a Czech research institution or university or young researchers who defended their dissertation in 2023 or 2024
  • their doctoral studies do not collude with any work for Eviden
  • authorship of at least one scientific paper published (or accepted for publication) in a peer-reviewed international journal

Please send applications to Mrs. Procházková until 7 March 2024. They will be later handed over to doc. David Svoboda, the coordinator on behalf of MU.

Important dates:

  • 12 March 2024 – the coordinator selects the two best candidates and sends their names and contact information to the French Embassy in the Czech Republic
  • 25 March 2024 – delivery of nominations to the Rector's Office with a request for support by the Rector (optional)
  • 9 April 2024 – the two best candidates send their complete applications to
  • May 2024 – oral presentation of candidates before the selection committee
  • June 2024 – awarding ceremony
  • until 31 December 2025 – internship of the awarded students in France

More information can be found on the competition website.

L’Oreal-UNESCO For Women in Science

The 18th edition of the L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science talent programme has been launched! In international comparison, the representation of women in science in the Czech Republic has long been low. The aim of the L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science talent programme is to financially support young female scientists and thus facilitate their career path in the scientific research environment.

The programme is open to female scientists who meet the following conditions:

  • age up to and including 40 years,
  • attainment of a Ph.D. degree in life sciences (mathematics, physics, computer science, engineering, earth and space sciences, etc.), life sciences and chemical sciences (e.g. biology, biochemistry, genetics, etc.)

The rules are located at

A jury composed of representatives of the CAS, with the participation of representatives of L'Oréal and the Czech Commission for UNESCO, will select three talented female scientists who will receive:

  • 600,000 CZK, which they will split and can use directly and indirectly to support their careers,
  • media training,
  • the opportunity to present their research in the media in the form of interviews.

Interested women can apply for this year's edition until 31 December 2023 via the platform at Proposals for nominations to be sent on behalf of the Rector should be sent to Mrs. Procházková by 30 November 2023. The nomination must be approved by the Director of the Department and the Dean of the Faculty. The deadline for sending nominations to the Rector's Office is 5 December 2023.

L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science International Awards

The L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science International Awards 2024 will be presented to five outstanding women scientists in the Life and Environmental Sciences, each working in one of the following regions: Africa and the Arab States, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, North America. The five laureates will be selected by an international jury, and the nominees will be judged on their contribution to international scientific progress. Each of the laureates will receive €100,000. The award ceremony is scheduled for June 2024 in Paris.

The deadline for applications is 30 June 2023. More information about the Award can be found here.

Louis-Jeantet Prizes

The Louis-Jeantet Prizes are awarded each year to experienced researchers who have distinguished themselves in the field of biomedical research in one of the member states of the Council of Europe. They are not intended solely as the recognition of work that has been completed, but also to encourage the continuation of innovative research projects. The prizes are awarded to fully active researchers whose scientific efforts are focused on biomedical research.

The sum available to each prize-winner amounts to CHF 500,000 (approx. 12 mil. CZK), of which CHF 450,000 are to be used for financing ongoing research and CHF 50,000 are given to the researcher personally.

Nominees for the Louis-Jeantet Prizes must be nominated either by scientific personalities, or by institutions (universities or major agencies funding research), who possess detailed knowledge of the nominee’s work.

  • Self-nominations are not accepted.
  • Nominees should not be informed of their nomination.
  • Nominations of candidates under 50 years of age are encouraged.

The application includes the name of the nominee, his address and e-mail address, a summary of the candidate's main scientific achievements and current research activities (max. 4600 characters), his/her main contribution, the significance of his/her work outside the specific field of research (all in max. 250 characters), and a list of the candidate's five most relevant research papers (original, peer-reviewed articles). A curriculum vitae and a list of the nominee's publications should be attached.

Nominations are made on behalf of the Rector, so please send the nomination materials to Mrs. Procházková by 6 February 2024. The nomination must be approved by the Director of the Department and the Dean of the Faculty. The deadline for sending nominations to the Rector's Office is 12 February, and the deadline for nominations is 27 February 2024.

More information can be found on the website of the prize.

Make Our Planet Great Again Prize for Environment & Climate Research

BNP Paribas and the French Embassy in the Czech Republic organize a competition, the aim of which is to reward the best PhD research work in all fields of environment and climate research. The winners will receive a financial reward (CZK 80, 50, and 30,000), and the first two also receive a scholarship for an internship in France.

Conditions of participation:

  • doctoral research in the fields of environment and climate research
  • persons of Czech or Slovak nationality under the age of 33 (as of 1 May 2024)
  • students of a PhD programme at a Czech research institution or university or young researchers who defended their dissertation in 2023 or 2024
  • their doctoral studies do not collude with any work for BNP Paribas
  • authorship of at least one scientific article published (or accepted for publication) in an international peer-reviewed journal

Please send applications to Mrs. Procházková until 7 March 2024. The applications will be handed over to dr. Michal Bittner, the coordinator on behalf of MU.

Important dates:

  • 12 March 2024 – the coordinator selects one candidate and sends his name and contact information to the French Embassy in the Czech Republic
  • 25 March 2024 – delivery of nominations to the Rector's Office with a request for support by the Rector (optional)
  • 9 April 2024 – the candidate sends the complete application to
  • 27 May 2024 – oral presentation of candidates before the selection committee
  • June 2024 – awarding ceremony
  • until 31 December 2025 – internship of the awarded students in France

More information can be found on the competition website.

Martin Černohorský Award

Thanks to a financial donation made by Prof. Martin Černohorský to the Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists, the Martin Černohorský Award for Contribution to Physics Education was established.

You can briefly get acquainted with the personality of Professor Martin Černohorský in his medallion (in Czech).

The Martin Černohorský Award is open to those who have made a significant contribution to physics education in the last two years. The laureate can be an individual or a collective for a joint work. Candidates for the prize may be nominated by others or may submit a nomination on their own behalf.

A maximum of three prizes may be awarded annually:
1. prize: CZK 30,000
2. prize: CZK 20 000
3. prize: CZK 10 000

The awards will be decided by an independent jury of leading physicists from academic departments and schools in the Czech Republic. There are no other restrictions on the nominees, such as membership in the JCMF or nationality. Nominations for a collective are allowed for the same project or for joint work completed in the last two years.

Nominations must be submitted via the online form (in Czech) by 31 December, 2022. Proposals must include the nominee's full name, field of expertise, and a justification for the nomination based on the nominee's merits over the past two years. More information can be found on the competition website (in Czech).

Medal of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports

Every year, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports awards medals to individuals, legal entities, as well as groups of individuals for significant pedagogical, educational, scientific, sports or artistic activities performed in the field of education, youth or sports or for extraordinarily meritorious deeds in providing and improving conditions for education in the Czech Republic.

An individual can also be awarded a medal on the occasion of a life or work anniversary for long-term and excellent work in these areas.

The medal has two degrees:

  1. The 1st degree medal (silver) is awarded for long-term and excellent work in the field of education, youth or physical education or for an exceptionally meritorious deed in providing and improving conditions for education in the Czech Republic.
  2. Medal II. degree (bronze) is awarded for significant pedagogical, educational, scientific, sports or artistic activities performed in the field of education, youth or physical education.

Medals are usually awarded on the occasion of Teachers' Day on 28 March. The medal is handed over by the Minister or a person authorized by him. The award of the medal is evidenced by a diploma. The diploma bears the national emblem of the Czech Republic and the signature of the Minister.

Proposals are submitted with the support of the Rector, so please send the necessary materials to Mrs. Procházková by 6 February 2024. The nomination must be approved by the Director of the Department and the Dean of the Faculty. The deadline for sending nominations to the Rector's Office is 12 February, and the deadline for applications is 29 February 2024.

More information can be found on the website of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (in CZ).

MŠMT Award for Outstanding Students and Graduates

The Ministry of Education announces a call for proposals for the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports Award for Outstanding Students and Graduates in a Study Programme and for Outstanding Student Achievements for 2024.

The Minister's Prize is awarded to outstanding students or graduates of a bachelor's, master's or doctoral study programme for outstanding achievements in their studies or in scientific, research, development and innovation, artistic or other creative activities related to their studies in the given study programme. In addition, this prize is awarded to a student or graduate of a bachelor's, master's or doctoral programme for an exceptional act of civic bravery, responsibility or dedication. The award consists of a diploma and other material or monetary awards of up to CZK 50 000. A maximum of 10 such awards may be granted in a calendar year.

Nominations for the award are made by the Rector, so please send the necessary materials to Mrs. Procházková by 20 July 2024. The nomination must be approved by the Director of the Department and the Dean of the Faculty. The deadline for sending nominations to the Rector's Office is 29 July. Proposals are due to the Department of Higher Education by 31 August of the relevant year.

The nomination form and the Award Statutes with the specific terms and conditions of the Award are available on the Ministry's website (in CZ).

MŠMT Award for Outstanding Educational Activity at a University

The aim of the MŠMT Award for Outstanding Educational Activity at a University is to draw attention to the significance and importance of quality educational activity at universities, to recognize the outstanding work of university teachers, to highlight examples of good practice, and significant innovations in the field of educational activity.

The person nominated for the award must be an employee of the university and must be engaged in educational activities. The award is given for outstanding educational activity or significant innovation in educational activity in the three years prior to the nomination, with emphasis on specific educational achievements.

The award consists of a diploma and other material or monetary awards worth up to CZK 100,000. No more than 5 of these awards may be granted in a calendar year. Proposals for the award may be submitted by rectors of universities, deans of faculties, members of academic senates and faculties from among students. One proposer may submit a maximum of five proposals in one year.

Proposals are submitted via the nomination form available on the MŠMT website. The nominating person shall give reasons for his/her proposal and describe the educational activities of the proposed person on the form. Proposals for the award should include specific and substantiated information, including references to publicly available sources. The proposal must indicate that the person is being nominated for an award for a specific activity from the past three years, not for a lifetime achievement. Along with the form, the proposer may submit the nominee's curriculum vitae and other documents that demonstrate the nominee's educational achievements and accomplishments that are not publicly available.

The award is submitted on behalf of the Rector, so please send the necessary materials to Mrs. Procházková by 26 August 2024. The nomination must be approved by the Director of the Department and the Dean of the Faculty. The deadline for sending nominations to the Rector's Office is 31 August. Nominations are to be submitted to the MŠMT by 30 September of the relevant year.

More information can be found here (in CZ).

MŠMT Award for Extraordinary Results of Research, Experimental Development and Innovation

The prize may be awarded to natural persons for extraordinary results of research, experimental development and innovation achieved on the basis of support provided from targeted or institutional expenditures on research, experimental development and innovation from the budget chapter of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of which no more than five years have elapsed until the date of submission of the proposal for the award of the Prize. The prize is awarded to citizens of the Czech Republic.

In the selection, the Ministry assesses in particular the contribution of the results achieved in the field of research, experimental development, and innovation, or the application of these results, for the Czech Republic and the international significance of the achieved results. The Prize is not awarded in memoriam. One or more Prizes may be awarded in one calendar year for a total amount of up to CZK 500,000. The number of Prizes awarded and their amount is decided by the Minister on the proposal of the Prize Award Committee.

Proposal details
  • extraordinary results in research, experimental development and innovation with reference to the identification codes of the activity under which they were achieved in the Information System for Research, Development and Innovation (records in RIV) and with documentation of the response of at least one extraordinary result of research, experimental development and innovation of the natural person proposed for the award (Czech and international professional press, presentation of results),
  • justification of the proposal,
  • recommendatory opinion of two independent professional scientists and researchers on the significance and contribution of the achieved extraordinary results in research, experimental development and innovation for the Czech Republic and the international significance of the extraordinary results, at least one of whom must not be an employee of the same legal entity as the proposed person at the time of submission of the proposal,
  • CV,
  • draft press release of 15 lines.

Proposals for the award are submitted by the Rector, so please send nominations in electronic form to Mrs. Procházková by 21 June 2024. The nomination must be approved by the Director of the Department and the Dean of the Faculty. The deadline for faculty nominations to be sent to the Rector's Office is 24 June, and the deadline for applications is always 31 July of the calendar year.

Detailed information regarding the Prize, including the full text of the Prize Statute, can be found on the Ministry's website (in Czech).

MUNI Innovation Award

Award for individual students and employees, whose outcomes have been successfully introduced into practice, helped to improve products or services or contributed to increase the practical application of knowledge and activities of the MU.

  • A nomination for the award of a student or employee of MU can be submitted by anyone.
  • The nominated person must be an employee or student of MU.
  • The reasons for nomination are: inventions, projects, technologies, services and other relevant social valid activities and outcomes, which have been successfully implemented into the practice, helped to improve products or services, or about which the proposer is convinced that they have contributed to increase the social relevance of the MU research or that meet the criteria for a significant innovation act.
  • A proposer may send several nominations.
  • The nomination must be justified (by e.g. description of the innovative act, explaining what makes this act innovative, extraordinary and beneficial, what is its application in practice, why it should be awarded, etc.).
  • The award is awarded for relevant outcomes or activities, that have arisen, have been published, used or applied in the period from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2022.
  • Up to 10 nominees can receive the award.
  • The award recipients can receive a total of up to CZK 1,000,000, to which the nomination itself does not create a legal entitlement.
  • Nominations can be submitted via the electronic form until 31 January 2023.

The evaluation is carried out by an independent commission composed of professional university and non-university public, the MU Council for Technology Transfer and Commercial Cooperation, MU management, and representatives of faculties or other interested MU economic centres.

Announcement of results

The results will be announced as part of the traditional MU Business Research Forum event in the form of a ceremony on 26 April 2023.

Further information, including the nomination form, can be found here.

Neuron Prizes

Every year, the Neuron Foundation for the Promotion of Science announces the prestigious Neuron Prizes in three categories:

  • Neuron Prize for Promising Scientists

The prize is awarded to Czech scientists (PhD degree max. 10 years before the date of the competition) for outstanding scientific achievements. The award is accompanied by a personal financial bonus of CZK 500 000. The prize takes into account the scientific achievements to date, their contribution, and the possibilities for further research.

  • Neuron Prize

The prize is awarded to prominent Czech scientists who work in the Czech Republic and abroad and who, through their exceptional discovery or long-term work, have fundamentally contributed to the development of science, strengthened the name of the Czech Republic, and are a role model and inspiration for other members of the scientific community. The Neuron Prize is associated with a financial bonus of CZK 1 500 000. Laureates are selected by the Scientific Council consisting of both local and international scientific experts.

  • Neuron Prize for Connecting Science and Business

The prize goes to scientists and economists who have made an exceptional scientific transfer – their discovery or invention has shifted from basic research to commercial use. This Neuron Prize is awarded by the Neuron Council. Laureates are rewarded with mentoring, PR and networking with Neuron business community.

The deadline for submissions is 31 March 2024. To apply with the recommendation of the Rector of Masaryk University, please send the necessary documents to Mrs. Procházková by 6 February 2024 (the nomination must be approved by the Director of the Department and the Dean of the Faculty).

Details including the nomination forms are available here (in Czech). For the Neuron Prize and Neuron Prize for Promising Scientists, all supporting documents (justification, CV, letters of recommendation) are required in English.

Novonesis Biotechnology Prize

The purpose of the Prize is to raise awareness of basic and applied biotechnology research. The Novonesis Biotechnology Prize is awarded to recognize outstanding European research or technology achievements that contribute to the development of innovative and sustainable biotechnology solutions for the benefit of people and the planet.

The Novonesis Biotechnology Prize consists of a funding amount for the awardee’s research (DKK 4.5 million) and a personal award (DKK 0.5 million). An additional an international symposium within the awardee’s field of research will be organised.

The nominees must:

  • have made an important contribution to European Science in areas of relevance to e.g. biomanufacturing, industrial, environmental, food or plant biotechnology,
  • have a current position and an active research program at a public or non-profit research institution in a European country.

It is recommended that the nomination be made with the support of the Rector. In this case, please send the necessary documents in electronic form to Mrs Procházková by 12 July 2024. The nomination must be approved by the Director of the Department and later by the Dean of the Faculty. The deadline for sending nominations from the faculty to the Rector's Office is 15 July. The deadline for nominations is 14 August 2024.

More information about the prize can be found here.

Novo Nordisk Prize

The Novo Nordisk Prize recognizes an active scientist who has provided outstanding international contributions to advance medical science for the benefit of people’s lives. The prize is intended to award and further support biomedical research in Europe. The financial award is DKK 5 million (approx. EUR 672 000) and consists of a research grant of DKK 4.5 million (approx. EUR 605 000) and a personal award of DKK 0.5 million (approx. EUR 67 000).

Applicants must:

  • demonstrate scientific excellence that has led to a major discovery or breakthrough in the understanding of human health and disease, or in the prevention, diagnosis or treatment of disease,
  • work in a public or non-profit research institution in a European country and have an active research programme,
  • serve as inspirational leaders and role models for young scientists.

The Foundation welcomes nominations by individual researchers and by research institutions including academic and industrial institutions, and research funding agencies. Self-nominations are not accepted.

It is recommended that the nomination be made with the support of the Rector. In this case, please send the necessary documents in electronic form to Mrs Procházková by 12 July 2024. The nomination must be approved by the Director of the Department and later by the Dean of the Faculty. The deadline for sending nominations from the faculty to the Rector's Office is 15 July.

Nominations must be submitted electronically via the nomination form by 14 August 2024 until 4 PM. For more information about the competition and nomination requirements, please visit the website.

Podnikavá hlava / Entrepreneurial head

Palacký University in Olomouc is looking for entrepreneurial minds again! The aim of the competition is to support aspiring and experienced entrepreneurs and to reward the best business plan. There are interesting prizes awaiting the winners, but even just participating in the competition can teach you a lot of new things. Among other things, you can use the support of expert consultants to develop your business plan.

Prize for the 1st place:

  • 50,000 CZK cash prize
  • 50% discount on renting a free office in VTP UP for 1 year for the implementation of the winning entry
  • 6 hours of consulting services per month for 1 year free of charge
  • a limited time offer of 20 hours of expert startup consulting from the main partner of the competition for free
  • books from Ofiguide
  • material prizes

To enter the competition, you need to register here (in Czech) and then upload your competition entry: business plan, binding entry form and completed consent to the processing of personal data.

Applications are sent directly to the organisers via the web. How to apply is specified in the detailed rules of the competition (in Czech).
The deadline is 10 May 2023 until 12:00. For more information, visit the competition website (in Czech).

Rudolf Lukeš Prize

The main mission of the prize is to raise the profile of the best scientists and their achievements, and thus increase the motivation of the scientific community to achieve excellence. The prize is awarded to elite scientists in the field of organic, bioorganic and medicinal chemistry by the Organic, Bioorganic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry Expert Group of the Czech Chemical Society in cooperation with the Experientia Foundation for an outstanding body of original work in the field published in the last 5 years in prestigious international journals.

The Rudolf Lukes Prize, which consists of a diploma, a personal cash prize worth CZK 100,000 and a plenary lecture at the Advances in Organic, Bioorganic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry conference held in the year of the award, is open to a scientist with no age limit who works at a Czech workplace and submits a set of works in the field of organic, bioorganic and medicinal chemistry from the last 5 years at a Czech workplace.

The application is submitted in English as a PDF file sent electronically to the ČSCH Secretariat ( and includes:

  • a brief CV (1 page)
  • a brief Research report (max. 3 pages) summarizing the most important results of the last 5 years
  • list of all publications in the last 5 years
  • 5 most significant publications in PDF from the last 5 years, where the nominee must be a corresponding author.

The deadline for applications is 31 March 2024. To submit a nomination with the recommendation of the Rector of Masaryk University, please send all supporting documents to Mrs. Procházková by 25 March (the nomination must be approved by the Director of the Department and the Dean of the Faculty).

For more information visit the competition's website.

South Moravian Region Award

Every year, the South Moravian Regional Council appreciates heroic, intellectual, sports and other exceptional deeds, works and contributions of natural persons who were born, live or are associated with their activities in the region and whose life, work, activities or actions are significantly represented in a certain South Moravian Region, contributes to its development, fame and reputation, and which with their moral qualities set an example to others.

The Award is awarded in the following areas:

  • for saving lives
  • for a heroic deed
  • for helping the disabled and needy
  • for work with youth
  • for a work, activity or act that significantly represents the South Moravian Region and contributes to its fame and reputation
  • for contribution in the field of science
  • for contribution in the field of art
  • for contribution in the field of folklore
  • for contribution in the field of sport

Multiple JMK Awards can be awarded in each category. The prize may not be awarded in all categories. A maximum of 12 individual prizes can be awarded in one year. One prize may be awarded jointly to several personalities if the award is the result of their joint activity, work or contribution. The award recipient receives a commemorative certificate and a medal; the award also includes a financial donation. The nomination must include: justification, contact details of the nominator and nominee, the nominee's consent to the nomination, and consent to the processing of personal data. The winner will receive a commemorative certificate and a medal, the award also includes a financial gift.

Nominations are made by the Rector, so please send the necessary materials to Mrs. Procházková by 21 June 2024. The nomination must be approved by the Director of the Department and the Dean of the Faculty. The deadline for sending nominations to the Rector's Office is 24 June. Proposals for the award should be submitted to the organisers by 31 July.

Detailed information, including instructions for submitting proposals, can be found on the website of the South Moravian Region (in CZ).

Stanisław Lem European Research Prize

The Lem European Research Prize was established in honour of the 100th anniversary of the birth of the great Polish visionary and science fiction writer Stanisław Lem, who was awarded an honorary doctorate from Wroclaw Tech in 1981. The basic elements of Lem's literary legacy (people, science, technology, progress and the future) are also the fundamental elements defining the mission and aspirations of Wroclaw Tech.

The prize is awarded annually to one young scientist whose creative work in science or technology has the potential to positively influence the future of a civilization increasingly filled with technology.

The winner will receive a financial award of 100,000 PLN (over 500,000 CZK), a certificate and an invitation to attend the anniversary celebrations of Wroclaw Tech on 15 November 2022. In addition, he/she will be invited to spend 1–2 weeks at Wroclaw Tech the following year (all expenses will be covered) to present his/her lectures, meet Academia Iuvenum and student organisations and to explore the city.

The award is open to young researchers (under 40 years of age) studying or working in Europe or associated countries – regardless of nationality or origin.

Applicants must submit the following documents in English:

  1. application form - using the form in Annex 1,
  2. a maximum of 3 publications confirming the discovery or achievement (books, articles, patents or patent applications),
  3. two or three letters of recommendation, up to one from a person with an affiliation in the same country; the recommendations should be addressed to the Lem Prize Committee and should include the name, title, position, affiliation and signature of the recommender and the date of the recommendation.

Documents should be sent electronically (preferably in PDF format) to: no later than 30 September 2022. More information about the competition and the application form is here.

Sylvia Forman Prize

The competition for the best written essay on feminist anthropology is intended for graduate and undergraduate students. Essays may be based on research on a wide variety of topics including (but not limited to) feminist analysis of women’s work, education, reproduction, sexuality, religion, and expressive culture, language, family and kin relations, economic development, gender and material culture, gender and biology, women and development, globalization, and intersectionalities of gender, race, sexuality, and class.

The deadline for submitting nominations for the competition is 1 May 2024. If you wish to support the nomination on behalf of the Rector, please send all supporting documents in electronic form to Mrs. Procházková by 15 April (the nomination must be approved by the department director and the dean of the faculty). The deadline for faculty nominations to be submitted to the Rector's Office is 22 April.

Detailed information is available on the competition website.

The Liliane Bettencourt Prize for Life Sciences

Each year, the Liliane Bettencourt Prize for Life Sciences awards a researcher under the age of 45 for his/her outstanding contribution to his/her field of scientific research. Depending on the year, the prize is awarded to a researcher working in France, or in another European country. The laureate personally receives 100,000 euros.

The 2024 edition of the prize will be awarded to a researcher working in a European country, excluding France. The call for candidates among international scientists will be launched from 8 January to 20 February 2024. Submission of applications opens on 21 February and closes on 18 April 2024.

More information can be found on the competition website.

Werner von Siemens Prize

Every year, Siemens, s.r.o. announces the Werner von Siemens Prize, aimed primarily at students and young scientists and educators. The aim of the competition is to reward the authors of the best student and scientific papers and university teachers focusing on all technical disciplines and natural sciences and thus contribute to the development of Czech higher education, science and research.

This year's competition will distribute one million CZK in eight categories. In the categories of the best diploma and dissertation thesis, students and thesis supervisors/mentors will receive awards and financial rewards.

Categories announced:

  1. Most Outstanding Basic Research Result
  2. Best teaching staff member
  3. Best thesis (first three places + thesis supervisor)
  4. Best dissertation (first three places + supervisor)
  5. Award for overcoming obstacles to study (the candidate is nominated by academic staff from among the university's undergraduate, master's and doctoral students)
  6. Special award for excellence in women's scientific work
  7. Best graduate thesis (master's/dissertation) dealing with Industry 4.0 concepts
  8. Best graduate thesis (master's/dissertation) dealing with smart infrastructure and energy

Nominations for the competition are submitted with the support of the Rector, so please send all documents in electronic form to Mrs. Švestková by 21 October 2024. The deadline for submission of nominations for the competition is 30 November 2024.

Detailed rules of the competition can be found here (in Czech). Entry forms for each category can be found here (in Czech).

Czexpats in Science

Czexpats in Science and Diana Biotechnologies proudly announce the competition for the Czexpats Award for early career Czech scientists working abroad in any scientific discipline.

The award is for early career Czech researchers working abroad in any field of the exact sciences, the social sciences or the humanities. The ideal laureate of the Czexpats Award has already achieved demonstrable success in his/her field, has an active positive relationship with the Czech Republic and a clear vision of how to contribute to the future development of his/her field and to society as a whole in line with the Czexpats in Science vision and goals.

The ideal laureate of the Czexpats Award has qualities and skills that allow them to excel in their field and to make a significant contribution to the advancement of knowledge. These qualities and skills include, but are not limited to, curiosity; perseverance; independence; critical thinking; open-mindedness; and moral, intellectual, and methodological integrity. The ideal laureate will have a clear vision for the future, want to contribute directly or indirectly to the development of the Czech scientific environment, and have the potential to become a leader and role model not only for their immediate colleagues and collaborators but also further afield, across disciplines and social strata.

Who is eligible for the Award?
  • Czech citizens working outside the Czech Republic in any scientific field
  • Must have a primary affiliation with a foreign institution and be physically spending more than half of their time abroad
  • Must be studying for a doctoral degree or not have earned their PhD (or its equivalent) more than 7 years previously at the time of the application deadline (this period is extended by periods of parental leave or similar career breaks)
  • Applications are encouraged and welcomed from candidates working outside academia – e.g. in applied research and development in private companies, public administration, etc.

The 2nd year of applications is open until 11 November 2024. It is highly recommended to request the support of the Rector for the nomination (must be requested in advance).

Candidates can either apply themselves (self-nomination) or be nominated by their supervisors, mentors or collaborators. To apply or to nominate someone, a completed application form should be sent to Candidates nominating themselves should also attach their CV, candidates nominated by someone else will be invited by email to send their CV and thus confirm agreement with their nomination.

More information can be found on the competition website.

Mgr. Jana Procházková

Assistant for Quality and Academic Affairs, Office for Doctoral Studies, Quality, Academic Affairs and Internationalization

phone: +420 549 49 5929

 Inactive employment status

Mgr. Michaela Švestková

Assistant for Quality and Academic Affairs, Office for Doctoral Studies, Quality, Academic Affairs and Internationalization

phone: +420 549 49 4337

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