Dioscuri Centrum Mini Symposium: Zdraví kostí a metabolismus
22 November 2024
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM - Biological Park, University Campus at Bohunice, Masaryk University, Brno
The Dioscuri Centre for Stem Cell Biology and Metabolic Diseases at Masaryk University is excited to announce the upcoming mini symposium on “Bone Health and Metabolism”, a gathering of global scientific leaders in the fields of skeletal tissue biology and metabolic research in zebrafish. This symposium celebrates the official inauguration of the Dioscuri Centre, an initiative supported by the Max Planck Society, which aims to foster groundbreaking research within the Faculty of Natural Science at Masaryk University.
The symposium aims to connect researchers in bone health and metabolism, fostering partnerships and innovation. The Dioscuri Centre is committed to building a strong, collaborative community to drive breakthroughs in the field.

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