Luca Nizzetto, PhD.
výzkumník III – Lidský expozom
Počet publikací: 74
Critical evaluation of a new passive exchange-meter for assessing multimedia fate of persistent organic pollutants at the air-soil interface
Environmental Pollution, rok: 2013, ročník: 181, vydání: 2013, DOI
Influence of Climate and Land Use Change on Spatially Resolved Volatilization of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) from Background Soils
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, rok: 2013, ročník: 47, vydání: 13, DOI
Bioconcentration and Intracellular Storage of Hexachlorobenzene in Charophytes and Their Potential Role in Monitoring and Remediation Actions.
Environmental Science and Technology, rok: 2012, ročník: 46, vydání: 22, DOI
Emerging environmental pollutants, scientific and regulatory perspectives. A report commissioned by the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation
Rok: 2012, druh: Účelové publikace