Project information
Po stopách počátku neolitu studiem keramiky (NeoPot)

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Project Identification
Project Period
1/2020 - 6/2023
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Arts
Other MU Faculty/Unit
Faculty of Science
LBK; radiocarbon dating; probabilistic modeling; pottery-making technology; provenance of pottery; cooking; Neolithisation

The project will apply the latest scientific advancements to the most common archaeological find, pottery, to reveal new perspectives on the transition to farming. Pottery is thought to mark the start of farming in the Pannonian region. However, whether it moved with people or was a local innovation, learnt from farming cultures to the south, is unanswered. By comparing culinary practices and pottery production techniques, revealed by ground-breaking new analytical methods, we will tackle the transition to farming through four interrelated topics: producing a high-resolution mathematical model of the radiocarbon chronology, revealing technological traditions of pottery, determining cooking practices, such as the first appearance of dairy products, and tracing the provenance of pottery. NeoPot will thus provide a new account of the start of farming in the Pannonian region, with significant implications for the spread of the Neolithic across Europe. The team plans a series of publications, designed to reach a broad audience of researchers interested in the process of Neolithization.


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